Asset attributes and overview information

Review the attributes and the overview information of an asset. For example, risk events, vulnerability assessment results, data classification results, business tags, and other related information. The broader view of the asset risk information helps you to easily view and identify the critical risks and prioritize mitigation activities.

Asset list view

Use the Asset inventory page to view and manage the assets. The default asset view lists all the assets in the inventory along with their attributes. To access the page, click Asset inventory in the IBM Guardium® Insights SaaS main menu (Menu icon) at the upper left of the page.

Asset attributes

The following table describes the attributes of an asset.
Table 1. Asset attributes
Column Description
ID A system-generated unique identifier for the asset in Guardium Insights SaaS.
Name A system-generated name of the asset. To modify the asset name based on your needs, hover on the asset name and click the edit icon.
Description A brief description of the asset that includes the asset name and other associated attributes.
Tags The tag names that are assigned to an asset. Tags are automatically assigned to an asset based on the defined auto-tagging rules. You can also create and assign custom tags to your assets based on multiple criteria, for example, asset criticality or business context. Asset tagging helps you to classify and organize your assets for better management.
Risk Severity level of the open risk events that are detected in the asset.
Type Database type that is associated with the data source. For example, Oracle, Db2, or unstructured data types.
Origin Source name from where the assets are imported into the asset inventory.
Monitoring The status of the monitoring control that is enforced on the asset to protect the data.
Connectivity Health status of the database server connectivity to Guardium Insights SaaS.
Vulnerability count Count of the critical, major, and minor vulnerabilities that are detected on the asset when a vulnerability scan is run on the source product. For example, IBM® Guardium Data Protection.
Extended properties Custom properties that are added when the asset is ingested to the inventory for storing additional information.
GDP data sources Name of the Guardium Data Protection data sources where the vulnerability scan or classification scan is run.
Sensitive data elements Number of sensitive data elements that are discovered on the source product when the classification scan is run. For example,Guardium Data Protection.
Traffic Health status of the database traffic where S-TAP is installed for monitoring.
User accounts The user account names who accessed the asset with open risk events.

Asset overview information

Click the asset ID of a selected asset on the Asset inventory page to view the basic asset information in the side window. To view the complete information of the asset, click View full details. The asset information is displayed in the Asset overview tab. Display of the widgets varies based on the asset type of the asset that you selected such as database, application, endpoint, storage, or model. The following table provides the asset overview information.
Table 2. Asset overview information
Widget Description
Asset information Provides a general information about your asset.

If the selected asset contains a database that is associated with multiple server IP addresses or hostnames, a drop-down list is displayed. Select an IP address or hostname from the list to view the associated asset information.

Monitoring health View the health status of the monitoring control that is enforced on the asset to protect the data.
Open vulnerabilities View the number of critical and major vulnerabilities that are detected on the selected asset when the vulnerability scan is run.

To view more details, click View all asset vulnerabilities information.

Tags View the data criticality and business tags that are assigned to the selected asset. Click the edit icon (Edit icon) to modify details about the tags that are assigned.
Classification results View the information about the sensitive elements that are discovered on the selected asset when the data classification scan is run.

To view more details, click View classification report.

Open risk events View the information about the open risk events (on databases or database users) and their risk levels that are associated with the selected asset.

To view more details, click View all risk events information.

Extended properties View the information about the custom properties that are added to the asset to meet specific business needs.
Endpoint URLs View the list of endpoint URLs to access the asset.
Subscription View the subscription information that is associated with the asset.
Resources View the list of resources that are stored in the asset.
Data View the information about the training data that is used to train the deployed model.
Application View the information about the application on which the model is deployed.
The following table shows the widgets that are displayed for various asset types.
Table 3. Asset types and widgets
Asset type Widget
  • Asset information
  • Monitoring health
  • Open vulnerabilities
  • Extended properties
  • Tags
  • Classification results
  • Open risk events
  • Subscription
  • Asset information
  • Endpoint URLs
  • Extended properties
  • Tags
  • Subscription
  • Asset information
  • Extended properties
  • Tags
  • Asset information
  • Resources
  • Extended properties
  • Tags
  • Subscription
  • Asset information
  • Data
  • Extended properties
  • Tags
  • Application
  • Subscription