Viewing Guardium Data Protection health information

Access Guardium® Data Protection system and S-TAP health information (including historical data) from Guardium Insights.

To access the page, click Guardium Data Protection health in the main menu. Open this menu by clicking the main menu icon (main menu)).

The Guardium Data Protection health page provides information from all connected central managers in one view. The page shows central manager, aggregator, collector, and S-TAP health information, and provides charts, tables, and filters to quickly identify and troubleshoot problems with Guardium Data Protection systems and S-TAPs.

The Guardium Data Protection health page shares data with the deployment health views in your Guardium Data Protection central managers. For example, if you configured your Guardium Data Protection deployment health views to exclude the traffic metric, the traffic metric is also excluded from the Guardium Data Protection health page in Guardium Insights. Similarly, the page reflects only systems and S-TAPs that are connected through your Guardium Data Protection central managers. For example, a universal connector that is configured for a Guardium Data Protection system is included in the S-TAP information on the page. However, a universal connector that is configured for a Guardium Insights system is not included.
  • Health information is only displayed for Guardium Data Protection central managers (and their managed units and S-TAPs) that are connected to Guardium Insights.
  • Guardium Data Protection 11.1 and earlier are not supported.
  • S-TAP traffic health is not supported for Guardium Data Protection 11.2 and earlier.
When you open the Guardium Data Protection health page, the default view shows an overview of health information for all connected central managers, their managed units, and S-TAPs. Use the horizontal and vertical tabs to navigate this view:
  • Select horizontal tabs to focus on information about central managers, aggregators, collectors, or S-TAPs (including the count of S-TAPs over time). The default tab is Dashboards.
  • Select vertical tabs to focus on information about one specific central manager, its managed units, and S-TAPs. The default tab is All.
Filter controls are provided to narrow the scope of health information that is provided and facilitate troubleshooting:
  • Click charts to apply interactive filters. For example, clicking a specific section of the S-TAPs by version chart filters the entire page by that S-TAP version.
  • Click the Filters control to open a panel of filtering criteria. Select criteria to apply filters to the entire page.
  • Applied filters are shown with the charts or tables on the page.
  • Click the x next to an applied filter to remove it. Click Clear filters to remove all filters.