Upgrading Guardium Insights by using the all-in-one script

You can upgrade Guardium® Insights manually or by using the all-in-one script.

Before you begin

About this task

Use the following procedure to upgrade Guardium Insights by using the all-in-one script. If you are upgrading Guardium Insights manually, you can skip this procedure.


  1. Edit the $LOCAL_CASE_DIR/$CASE_NAME/inventory/automateInstall/files/values.conf file with the appropriate configuration details.
    1. Update SKIP_INSTALL_ICS to one of the following settings.
      • Version 3.4.x and earlier Set SKIP_INSTALL_ICS to true.
      • Version 3.5.x Set SKIP_INSTALL_ICS to false.
    2. Set APPLY_CR to false as the Guardium Insights instance exists on the system already.
    3. Set SKIP_IBM_CERT_INSTALL to true as IBM® Common Services is upgraded from version 3.19.x to 4.5.x during migration.
    4. Run the all-in-one script by using the following command.
      oc ibm-pak launch $CASE_NAME \
        --version $CASE_VERSION \
        --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
        --inventory automateInstall \
        --action autoInstall \
        --tolerance 1 | tee -a ${LOCAL_INSTALL_DIR}/installation.log
  2. After the script runs successfully, edit the custom resource (CR) file by using the following command.
    oc edit guardiuminsights -n $NAMESPACE
    1. Change the version to the Guardium Insights version that you want to upgrade to.
      For example, change the version to 3.4.0 or 3.5.0.
    2. Change the license.licenseType to a value that works for the Guardium Insights version that you want to upgrade to. For more information, see License options.
    3. Change the guardiumInsightsGlobal.insights.ics.namespace to GI_NAMESPACE.
  3. Check the status of the installation.
    oc get guardiuminsights –w
    In the following output example, the DESIRED_VERSION is updated to 3.5.0. The displayed versions in the output vary based on the Guardium Insights version that you want to install and the current version on your system.
    staging   Ready     True     Complete     Completed Reconciliation   3.5.0            3.4.0            

What to do next

After you upgrade the Cloud Pak foundational services version, you can remove the older version of Cloud Pak foundational services by completing the following steps.