Outliers parameters

A list of Outliers parameters and what each one controls.

Attention: Though not recommended, it is possible to fine-tune the Outlier engine's parameters. If you'd like to adjust the parameters, contact IBM Guardium support.

You can edit some parameters from the UI, while others can be edited through an API in readme.io.

To view and edit the Outliers parameters that can be adjusted from the UI, go to Global settings > > Analytics settings in the Guardium® Insights UI.

See the parameters that can be configured in the UI and their default values in this table.

Parameter name


Default value
Minimum days of activity before alerting The duration (in days) of the learning period for the Outliers engine before it begins sending alerts. The maximum value for this parameter is 14 days. 7
Outlier alerts per day The number of outliers alerts that the Outliers engine sends each day. This parameter has a learning period. 24
Maximum samples (details) per outlier alert The maximum number of items to display per each outlier alert. 500
Maximum samples (details) per high volume outlier alert

The maximum number of items to display per each high volume outlier alert. 500

See the parameters that you can edit with APIs in readme.io in this table.

Parameter name


Default value
budgetTrainingDays Value for the statistical model. 14
cleanupKeepDays Purge of unused users 90
debugModes For debugging mode. false
demoMode For demos. 0
IntervalAlertsThreshold Value for the statistical model. 0.99
messageAlertsThreshold Value for the statistical model. 0.9
minNumIntervalsForIntervalScorers Value for the statistical model. 20
minNumIntervalsForMessageScorers Value for the statistical model. 20
numOfAnalyzeThreads Value for the statistical model. -1
Activate the SWAGGER UI to run APIs, by running these commands
oc login … 
oc patch route staging-apigateway-docs --type merge -n staging -p "{\"spec\":{\"path\": \"/docs\" }}"

Then, go to the SWAGGER UI. To get the current configuration parameters, use:

GET /api/v1/configs?type=Analytics 

To update one or more configuration parameters, use:

PATCH /api/v1/configs/{id} 
For example, set the ID you see in the GET request both in the form and when you complete the details. Complete the details to update as follows. (More than one parameter or option can be set, if you’d like. Separate options with a comma):
  "Name": "",
  "Options": {
    "demoMode": "1"

  "_id": "62bb14cd668afc81aaadad47"

Outliers-engine reflects the demoMode and other parameter values before each data source it starts to work on.

See Using Guardium Insights API for details.