Obtaining an SSL certificate

For integrations that deploy an SSL certificate, you can use a web browser or a utility such as openSSL to extract the SSL certificate from the device to a file.

About this task

For this example, you will export the certificate by using Firefox:


  1. In the browser, enter the HTTPS address for the destination device.
  2. Click the Lock icon by the address bar.
    The SSL certificate information for this website is displayed.
  3. Click More information.
  4. Click View Certificate in the Website Identity section.
  5. Click the Details tab in the Certificate Viewer window.
  6. Select the top-level certificate in the Certificate Hierarchy section. This certificate is either a self-signed certificate for this server or a certificate that is issued by a certificate authority, such as VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5.
  7. Click Export and save this certificate as an X.509 Certificate (PEM).
    For example, save the files as mypath/server.crt.