Creating a ticket

Guardium® Insights allows integrations with a variety of ticketing services so that you can create tickets based on Guardium Insights findings.

Before you begin

Guardium Insights supports these ticketing services:

  • IBM Cloud Pak® for Security Cases
  • IBM® Resilient®
  • ServiceNow

Tickets are created for risk events that you want to track. When you are viewing a risk event, you can respond to it in multiple ways. This topic instructs you how to respond to it by creating a ticket.

Before you can create tickets, you must first configure at least one ticketing integration in Guardium Insights.


  1. When viewing a risk event, click Respond | Tune.
  2. Select the Create a ticket radio button.
  3. The default values in the Short description and Description fields are set by the ticketing template that is created when you configure ticketing. You can modify these as desired when creating an individual ticket.
  4. Click Save to create the ticket.