Scheduling jobs with workflows

With Guardium® Insights workflows, you can intuitively schedule jobs in simple or advanced manners, as suits your needs. When you create a workflow in Guardium Insights, you are setting up a process for scheduling actions and then tracking the distribution, review, and completion of those actions. You can schedule reports to run and set up workflows for those reports - or you can schedule import jobs (these require an integration for importing and exporting data, which you can set up when you create the workflow if you don't already have one).

Before you begin

Version 3.4.x and later This content only applies to Guardium Insights Version 3.4.x and later.

To open the Workflows page, select Workflows in the main menu. Open this menu by clicking the main menu icon (main menu))

About this task

The Workflows page contains all of the workflows that you have created. You can open each workflow to see its details and status - and you can generate a log for all of your workflows.


  • Click Create workflow to create a workflow.
  • To generate a workflow for a particular report, click Go to reports to open the Reports page. When you open a report in the Reports page, you can select Create workflow to open the dialog box for creating a workflow. The dialog box will populate with the current report and you can create a job that runs the report according to a schedule that you set.
  • To learn how to work with tasks, see Working with tasks.
  • To generate a report that lists all audit activity, click Go to workflow log.
  • Select one or more investigation links. To learn how to create Investigation links, see Creating investigation links.
  • To learn how to work with Response templates, see Creating response templates.
  • To learn how to work with Distribution rules, see Creating distribution rules for workflows.
  • Viewing a workflow: To open a workflow, click it. When you open a workflow, you can see all of its settings and tasks. You can also add more actions to it.
  • Each workflow in the Workflows page includes these actions:
    • You can use the slider to set the workflow to Active or Inactive. If you select Enable in the workflow's menu, this also sets it to Active - or, if you select Disable, this sets it to Inactive.
    • Choose Edit in the workflow's menu to modify the workflow.
    • To assign roles to the workflow, click Roles in the menu.
    • Click Run once now to run the workflow immediately.
    • Click View related tasks to open the Tasks page for this workflow.
    • Click Generate audit log to generate a report that lists all audit activity for this workflow.