Logging in to the Azure user interface and verify the creation of the service principal


  1. Log in to https://portal.azure.com/#home.
  2. Verify that you are connected to the correct tenant.
    For example, Project-IBMSecurity-IS-POC-EA-DEV-Test.
  3. Type Enterprise Applications in the search bar.
  4. Select All Applications in the Application Type menu.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Search for the application name.
    For example, gi300 or gi400.
  7. Click the name to open its page.
  8. Select Permissions in the left panel.
  9. Verify that you see Windows Azure Active Directory in the list with Admin consent.
    Important: Try to grant administrative consent to the new app (for example, gi300 or gi400). If this fails, have an Azure Tenant Administrator grant the administrative consent to the API that you created.
  10. Verify that the Manage apps that this app creates or owns permission is added to your API.
    Important: Azure Active Directory Graph API 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 deprecates in approximately one year and Azure Graph 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 can be used instead.
  11. To clean up your Azure Active Directory, complete the following steps.
    1. Log in to the Azure user interface.
    2. Select the Azure Active Directory icon.
    3. Use the search bar to search for your app.
      For example, gi300.
    4. Select the app in the App Registration list.
    5. Click Delete in the next page and then wait for the following confirmation message.