Installing the Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage

Before you begin

The default Google Cloud storage class uses hard disk drive (HDD). For better performance, use solid-state drive (SSD) by creating a storage class that uses pd-ssd, according to the following ssd-storageclass.yaml example:

kind: StorageClass
 name: faster
 type: pd-ssd
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
reclaimPolicy: Delete


  1. In the web console, go to Operators > OperatorHub to view all operators. Ensure that the selected Project is openshift-storage.
  2. If the openshift-storage project is not available, create it with the following command.
    oc create ns openshift-storage
  3. Click Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage.
  4. In the Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage operator page, click Install.
  5. In the Install Operator page, verify that the following options are selected by default.
    • Update Channel: stable-4.11
    • Installation Mode: A specific namespace on the cluster
    • Installed Namespace: Operator recommended namespace openshift-storage

      If the openshift-storage namespace does not exist, it is created during the operator installation.

    • Select the Enable operator recommended cluster monitoring on this namespace checkbox (required for cluster monitoring).
    • Set Approval Strategy to Automatic.

    After setting these options, click Install.

  6. Open the Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Storage details.
    Selected operator tab
  7. In the Storage Cluster card, click Create Instance.
  8. Create the storage cluster according to the following image.
    Create storage cluster
  9. Select at least 3 worker nodes for OCS storage. Select only those worker nodes on which you don't want to run Db2.
    Select worker nodes
  10. Verify that the final Status of the installed storage cluster is Phase: Ready with a green checkmark.
    Installed operators

    If you are using a different OCP version, you must install storage for that version.

    To verify that storage classes are installed, run the following command.
    gcp % oc get sc