Queries available file space on a GPFS™ file system.
mmdf Device [-d] [-F] [-m] [-P PoolName] [--block-size {BlockSize | auto}]
Available on all GPFS editions.
Displayed values are rounded down to a multiple of 1024 bytes. If the fragment size used by the file system is not a multiple of 1024 bytes, then the displayed values may be lower than the actual values. This can result in the display of a total value that exceeds the sum of the rounded values displayed for individual disks. The individual values are accurate if the fragment size is a multiple of 1024 bytes.
For the file system, the mmdf command displays the total number of inodes and the number available.
This must be the first parameter.
If you are a root user, the node on which the command is issued must be able to execute remote shell commands on any other node in the cluster without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages. See the following GPFS: Administration and Programming Reference topic: Requirements for administering a GPFS file system.
If you are a non-root user, you may specify only file systems that belong to the same cluster as the node on which the mmdf command was issued.
mmdf fs2 -d
disk disk size failure holds holds free KB in free KB in
name in KB group metadata data full blocks fragments
----------- --------- -------- -------- ---- ----------- ---------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 833 GB)
------------- -------- ----------
(pool total) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Disks in storage pool: sp1 (Maximum disk size allowed is 359 GB)
gpfs1002nsd 8897968 1 no yes 8342016 (94%) 928 (0%)
--------- ------------- ------------
(pool total) 8897968 8342016 (94%) 928 (0%)
========= ============== ============
(data) 8897968 8342016 (94%) 928 (0%)
(metadata) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
========= ============= ============
(total) 8897968 8342016 (94%) 928 (0%)
mmdf fs1 --block-size auto
disk disk size failure holds holds free free
name group metadata data in full blocks in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 437 GB)
gpfs1001nsd 33.4G 1 yes no 33.19G ( 99%) 2.5M ( 0%)
gpfs1002nsd 33.4G 1 yes no 33.2G ( 99%) 2.5M ( 0%)
gpfs1003nsd 33.4G 2 yes no 33.2G ( 99%) 2.5M ( 0%)
gpfs1004nsd 33.4G 2 yes no 33.27G (100%) 2.5M ( 0%)
gpfs1005nsd 33.4G 2 yes no 33.32G (100%) 1.562M ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 167G 166.2G (100%) 11.56M ( 0%)
Disks in storage pool: sp1 (Maximum disk size allowed is 484 GB)
gpfs1006nsd 33.4G 4 no yes 33.4G (100%) 1.562M ( 0%)
gpfs1007nsd 33.4G 4 no yes 33.4G (100%) 1.562M ( 0%)
gpfs1008nsd 33.4G 4 no yes 33.4G (100%) 1.562M ( 0%)
gpfs1010nsd 33.4G 4 no yes 33.4G (100%) 1.562M ( 0%)
gpfs1011nsd 33.4G 4 no yes 33.4G (100%) 1.562M ( 0%)
gpfs1012nsd 33.4G 5 no yes 33.4G (100%) 1.562M ( 0%)
gpfs1013nsd 33.4G 5 no yes 33.4G (100%) 1.562M ( 0%)
gpfs1014nsd 33.4G 5 no yes 33.4G (100%) 1.562M ( 0%)
gpfs1015nsd 33.4G 5 no yes 33.4G (100%) 1.562M ( 0%)
gpfs1016nsd 33.4G 5 no yes 33.4G (100%) 1.562M ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 334G 334G (100%) 15.62M ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(data) 334G 334G (100%) 15.62M ( 0%)
(metadata) 167G 166.2G (100%) 11.56M ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(total) 501G 500.2G (100%) 27.19M ( 0%)
Inode Information
Number of used inodes: 4043
Number of free inodes: 497717
Number of allocated inodes: 501760
Maximum number of inodes: 514048
mmdf fs1 -F
Inode Information
Number of used inodes: 4043
Number of free inodes: 497717
Number of allocated inodes: 501760
Maximum number of inodes: 514048