Upgrading or migrating to IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager container

Upgrading IBM® Security Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager traditional to IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager container requires you to first upgrade to IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager traditional Version 4.2. IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager does not support a direct upgrade or migration from versions earlier than 4.2.

High-level operations

  1. Upgrade to IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager traditional Version 4.2. For more information, see Upgrading and migrating to IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager traditional.
  2. Install IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager container. For more information, see Installing IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager container.
  3. Use the Backup and Restore feature in the graphical user interface to migrate data from IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager traditional to IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager container. For more information, see Configuring backup and restore.