Backup List REST Service
Use the Backup List REST Service to list IBM® Security Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager backup files in the specified directory.
- Operation
- https://host:port/SKLM/rest/v1/ckms/backups
By default, Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server listens to the secure port 9443 (HTTPS) for communication. During IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager installation, you can modify this default port.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
host | Specify the IP address or hostname of the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server. |
port | Specify the port number on which the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server listens for requests. |
Request Headers
Header name | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/json |
Authorization | SKLMAuth userAuthId=<authIdValue> |
Accept-Language | Any valid locale that is supported by IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. For example, en or de. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
backupDirectory | Specify a directory that has JAR files. The JAR files contain backup data for
IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. If you do not specify the path, the path that is specified by the tklm.backup.dir property in the file is appended. |
Response Headers
Header name | Value and description |
Status Code |
Content-Type | application/json |
Content-Language | Locale for the response message. |
Success response body
JSON object with the following specification:
JSON property name | Description |
status | Returns the status message to indicate whether the specified backup file was found. |
productHomeDir | Returns the home directory of IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. |
backupFilePath | Returns the file path of the backup directory. |
timestamp | Returns the timestamp of the last backup. |
description | Returns the description of the backup file. |
sourceOSType | Returns the operating system of the server on which the backup was created. |
sourceOSDescription | Returns the description of the operating system. |
backupVersion | Returns the version of the backup file. |
checksum | Returns the checksum of the backup file. |
createdBy | Returns the name of the user who initiated the backup task. |
productVersion | Returns the version of IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. |
keystoreItems | Returns the details about all keystore file items, which include checksum, backup file path, backup item type, and backup type. |
configFileItems | Returns the details about the configuration file items, which include checksum, backup file path, backup item type, and backup type. |
databaseMetaDataItem | Returns the details about the database backup, which include checksum, backup file path, backup item type, and backup type. |
backupProcessType | Returns the encryption type that you used for backup operation. Returns PBE for the password-based encryption, HSM for HSM-based encryption, and EKMF Web for EKMF Web-based encryption. |
Error Response Body
JSON object with the following specification.
JSON property name | Description |
code | Returns the application error code. |
message | Returns a message that describes the error. |
- Service request to list the backup files
GET https://localhost:port/SKLM/rest/v1/ckms/backups?backupDirectory= /sklmbackup Content-Type: application/json Accept : application/json Authorization: SKLMAuth userAuthId=139aeh34567m Accept-Language : en
- Success response
Status Code : 200 OK Content-Language: en [ { "status": "Found 1 backup files. (/sklmbackup)" }, { "productHomeDir": "/opt/IBM/WebSphere/Liberty/products/sklm", "backupFilePath": "/sklmbackup/./sklm_v2.7.0.0_20160327140515- 0600_backup.jar", "timestamp": "2016.03.27 20:05:15+0000", "description": "Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager backup", "sourceOSType": "UNIX", "sourceOSDescription": "Linux:amd64:", "backupVersion": "1.0", "checksum": null, "createdBy": "sklmadmin", "productVersion": " 201603181304", "keystoreItems": "[ KLMBackupFileItem [ checksum = 949431830 originalFilePath = /opt/IBM/tivoli/tiptklmV2/products/tklm/keystore/ defaultKeyStore jarEntryName = KEYSTORE-79b98f59-857e-4f3d-b2d3-1c4f6a14b663 _defaultKeyStore itemType = KEYSTORE backupType = FILE ], KLMBackupFileItem [ checksum = 3906517494 originalFilePath = /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/ products/sklm/keystore/tklmKeystore.jceks jarEntryName = KEY-STORE! INTERNAL-0ef9a606-5044-437d-a7a5-d2cbb54c4794_tklmKeystore.jceks itemType = KEYSTORE backupType = FILE ]]", "configFileItems": "[ KLMBackupFileItem [ checksum = 4263916783 originalFilePath = /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/products/sklm/config/ jarEntryName = CONFIG-9a356148-4936-4143-9b0f-f83e326a itemType = CONFIG backupType = FILE ], KLMBackupFileItem [ checksum = 574882765 originalFilePath = /opt/IBM/ WebSphere/AppServer/products/sklm/config/ jarEntryName = itemType = CONFIG backup-Type = FILE ]]", "databaseMetaDataItem": " KLMBackupDatabaseItem [ databaseType = DB2 backupDirec-toryPath = /tmp backupTimestamp = 20130227140515 dbVersion = SQL09072 jarEntryName = META_DATA_ADITI.0.aditi.NODE0000.CATN000 0.20130227140515.001 itemType = META_DATA backupType = DATABASE ]" "backupProcessType":"PBE" } ]
- Service request with incorrect backup directory path
GET https://localhost:port/SKLM/rest/v1/ckms/backups?backupDirectory= /sklm_backup Content-Type: application/json Accept : application/json Authorization: SKLMAuth userAuthId=139aeh34567m Accept-Language : en
- Error response
Status Code : 500 Internal Server Error { "code": "CTGKM0901E", "message": "CTGKM0901E Backup operation fails because the backup directory cannot be resolved. Specify a valid backup directory name and path, and retry the operation." }