Changing Db2 administrator password on LDAP configured servers

If there is a password expiration restriction in effect, you must change the Db2® password for the user ID before the expiration period expires.

About this task

Depending on your deployment, see the relevant section to update the Db2 administrator password:
  • For a stand-alone server
  • For a Multi-Master cluster


  • For a stand-alone server
    1. Run the steps that are described in the following topics to change the Db2 administrator password.
      Run the steps 3 - 5 in the Updating Db2 password on a Windows system topic.
      Run the steps 1- 3 in the Updating Db2 password on a Linux or AIX system topic.
    2. Change the Db2 data source password that is configured in WebSphere® Application Server Liberty:
      • Using graphical user interface
        1. Log in to the graphical user interface.
        2. On the header bar, click SKLM User and select Change Database Password.

          SKLM User is the user with which you have logged into the graphical user interface.

        3. In the Change Database Password window, type the new password.
        4. Click Submit.
      • Using REST interface
        1. Open a REST client.
        2. Obtain a unique user authentication identifier to access IBM® Security Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager REST services. For more information about the authentication process, see Authentication process for REST services.
        3. Run Update Db2 Password on Standalone Server REST Service.
    3. Restart the server. For more information, see Restarting the Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server.
  • For a Multi-Master cluster
    On every master server (HADR and non-HADR)
    1. Set the Db2PasswordChangeActivity property in the file to true.
    2. Run the steps that are described in the following topics to change the Db2 administrator password.
      Run the steps 3 - 5 in the Updating Db2 password on a Windows system topic.
      Run the steps 1- 3 in the Updating Db2 password on a Linux or AIX system topic.
    3. On any master server: Change the Db2 data source password that is configured in WebSphere Application Server Liberty:
      • Using graphical user interface
        1. Log in to the graphical user interface.
        2. On the header bar, click SKLM User and select Change Database Password.

          SKLM User is the user with which you have logged into the graphical user interface.

        3. In the Change Database Password window, type the new password.
        4. Click Submit.
      • Using REST interface
        1. Open a REST client.
        2. Obtain a unique user authentication identifier to access IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager REST services. For more information about the authentication process, see Authentication process for REST services.
        3. Run Update Db2 Password in Multi-Master Cluster REST Service.
    4. On every master server (HADR and non-HADR): Set the Db2PasswordChangeActivity property in the file to false.