Changing Db2 administrator password on LDAP configured servers
If there is a password expiration restriction in effect, you must change the Db2® password for the user ID before the expiration period expires.
About this task
Depending on your deployment, see the relevant section to update the Db2 administrator password:
- For a stand-alone server
- For a Multi-Master cluster
- For a stand-alone server
- Run the steps that are described in the following topics to change the
Db2 administrator password.
- Windows
- Run the steps 3 - 5 in the Updating Db2 password on a Windows system topic.
- Linux®
- Run the steps 1- 3 in the Updating Db2 password on a Linux or AIX system topic.
- Change the Db2 data source
password that is configured in WebSphere® Application Server Liberty:
- Using graphical user interface
- Log in to the graphical user interface.
- On the header bar, click SKLM User and select
Change Database Password.
SKLM User is the user with which you have logged into the graphical user interface.
- In the Change Database Password window, type the new password.
- Click Submit.
- Using REST interface
- Open a REST client.
- Obtain a unique user authentication identifier to access IBM® Security Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager REST services. For more information about the authentication process, see Authentication process for REST services.
- Run Update Db2 Password on Standalone Server REST Service.
- Using graphical user interface
- Restart the server. For more information, see Restarting the Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server.
- Run the steps that are described in the following topics to change the
Db2 administrator password.
- For a Multi-Master cluster On every master server (HADR and non-HADR)
- Set the Db2PasswordChangeActivity property in the file to true. For instructions, see Update Config Property REST Service.
- Run the steps that are described in the following topics to change the
Db2 administrator password.
- Windows
- Run the steps 3 - 5 in the Updating Db2 password on a Windows system topic.
- Linux
- Run the steps 1- 3 in the Updating Db2 password on a Linux or AIX system topic.
- On any master server: Change the Db2 data source password that is configured in
WebSphere Application Server Liberty:
- Using graphical user interface
- Log in to the graphical user interface.
- On the header bar, click SKLM User and select
Change Database Password.
SKLM User is the user with which you have logged into the graphical user interface.
- In the Change Database Password window, type the new password.
- Click Submit.
- Using REST interface
- Open a REST client.
- Obtain a unique user authentication identifier to access IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager REST services. For more information about the authentication process, see Authentication process for REST services.
- Run Update Db2 Password in Multi-Master Cluster REST Service.
- Using graphical user interface
- On every master server (HADR and non-HADR): Set the
Db2PasswordChangeActivity property in the file to false. For instructions, see Update Config Property REST Service.
- Set the Db2PasswordChangeActivity property in the file to true.