KMIP messages

These are the KMIP error messages.

CTGKP0001E Check failed. Nothing to return in response.


Internal error. Cannot return response for Check operation.

System action

Cannot process the KMIP message.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the problem and retry the operation.

CTGKP0002E Check failed, no unique identifier to return in the response.


Internal error. Cannot return response for the Check operation.

System action

Cannot process the KMIP message.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the problem and retry the operation.

CTGKP0003E Field VALUE_0 not specified.


Field is not specified in the KMIP message that was received.

System action

Cannot process the message.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0004E Structure VALUE_0 is empty.


Field is expected to have a valid value in the KMIP message that was received.

System action

Cannot process the message.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0005E Structure VALUE_0 is null.


Structure is not specified in the KMIP message that was received.

System action

Cannot process the message.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0006E Header tag is neither Response nor Request. The tag is VALUE_0.


Incorrect tag received in the KMIP message header.

System action

Cannot process the message.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0007E Protocol Version : major: VALUE_0 , minor VALUE_0 is not supported.


Incorrect protocol version received in the KMIP message header.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0008E Message is neither Response nor Request. The message tag is VALUE_0.


Cannot parse the message. An incorrect KMIP message tag was received.

System action

Cannot process the message.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0009E Message is not a single structure. Type of message object is VALUE_0.


Cannot parse the message. Received an incorrect KMIP message type.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0010E Message that was received is null.


Nothing to parse. Received no KMIP message.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0011E Vendor extension tag value is incorrect.


Cannot parse the KMIP message. Received an incorrect tag value.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0012E Operation is pending but no asynchronous correlation value was specified.


Cannot proceed. Received no asynchronous correlation value in the KMIP message.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0014E Following values must all be specified: VALUE_0.


Cannot proceed. Required values are missing in the message.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0015E Following value must be specified: VALUE_0.


Cannot proceed. A required value is missing in the KMIP message.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0016E Parsed object is null.


Cannot proceed. No object is in the KMIP message payload.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0101E Attribute name VALUE_0 not recognized.


Cannot parse. An unrecognized attribute name is in the KMIP message.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0102E Attribute value of attribute VALUE_0 is not a single field.


Cannot parse. Received multiple values for single-valued attribute in a KMIP message.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

See the KMIP specification for details. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0103E Attribute value VALUE_0 is not of type VALUE_1.


Cannot parse. The data type of the attribute value is incorrect.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

See the KMIP specification for more information. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0105E VALUE_0 for attribute VALUE_1 is not of type VALUE_2.


Cannot parse. The data type of the attribute value is incorrect. See the KMIP specification for more information.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0106E KMIPDataStructure is not a primitive attribute.


Cannot parse. The data type of the attribute is incorrect.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

See the KMIP specification for more information. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0107E At least one field must be specified for ObtainUsageAllocation.


All fields cannot be null for ObtainUsageAllocation operation. Incorrect parameters were received.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0108E Either bytes or object values must be specified.


Combination of input parameters received for obtaining Usage Allocation operation is incorrect. Either bytes or object values must be specified.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0301E No credential structure found inside the authentication structure.


Unexpected error. Asked for credential but the authentication structure did not contain credentials. This might occur because of incorrect input parameters.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0302E Cryptographic algorithm not specified and not contained within key value.


Cannot parse the message. Cryptographic algorithm cannot be determined.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0303E Cryptographic length not specified and not contained within key value.


Cannot parse the message. Cryptographic length cannot be determined.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0304E Key value received but key format type not defined.


Cannot parse the message. The required value for key format attribute is not specified.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0305E Data type VALUE_0 not valid for field key value.


Cannot parse the message. An incorrect type for key value is specified. Expected OCTET_STRING data type.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0306E Tag value for the field VALUE_0 is incorrect.


Cannot parse the message. A tag value is not correct for the specified field.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0307E Vendor extension key value VALUE_0 not supported.


Cannot parse the message. The value for the specified field is not correct.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0308E Transparent key format type VALUE_0 not recognized.


Cannot parse the message. The value for the specified field is not correct.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0309E One of the following must be present: (Private Exponent), (P and Q) or (Prime Exponent P and Prime Exponent Q).


Cannot parse the message. The value for the RSA private key is not correct.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0310E Value not valid for the parameter VALUE_0, received VALUE_1.


The parameter value in the message is either not specified or not valid.

System action

The requested operation failed.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0311E Transparent symmetric key not specified.


The parameter value in the request is not specified or not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0401E End of file reached. No more bytes to read.


Cannot read the message completely. No more bytes are available.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0402E Error reading VALUE_0 bytes.


Cannot read the message completely because the expected number of bytes cannot be read.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0403E Number of bytes to read VALUE_0 is more than maximum size VALUE_1.


Cannot read the message because the value for bytes is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0404E Tried to skip VALUE_0 bytes, could only skip VALUE_1.


Cannot read the message because there are not enough bytes to skip.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0405E Maximum level of nesting reached VALUE_0.


Cannot parse the message. Reached the maximum level of nesting.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0406E Unknown type VALUE_0.


Cannot parse the message because an object in the message is an unknown type.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0407E For the object VALUE_0, received length of VALUE_1 that is not valid.


Cannot parse the message. The length of the data type is not valid for the specified object type.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0408E Structure length VALUE_0 is not a multiple of 8.


Cannot parse the message because the length of the structure is not a multiple of 8.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0409E Structure length VALUE_0 is a negative number.


Cannot parse the message because the length of the structure is not a valid number. Expected a positive number that is a multiple of 8.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0410E Padding length VALUE_0 bytes is more than maximum size VALUE_1 bytes.


Cannot parse the message because padding length received is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0411E VALUE_0 length of VALUE_1 bytes is more than maximum size VALUE_2 bytes.


Cannot parse the message because the length of the object in the message is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0601E KMIPDataTypeObject is null.


Internal error. Cannot encode the message, received null value for KMIPDataTypeObject.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0602E Structure length VALUE_0 is not a multiple of VALUE_1 .


Cannot encode the message. The length of the structure is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0603E Unknown type VALUE_0.


Cannot encode the message. The type of the object in the message is unknown.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0701E KLMAdapter classname is null.


Internal error. KLMAdapter classname should be set with installation.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Try restarting the server. If the probem continues, you might need to contact IBM Support.

CTGKP0702E Only request messages can be processed.


Received the message with a type other than request.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation

CTGKP0703E The method processBatchItem returned null.


Internal error. Cannot proceed because an unexpected error ocurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0704E Cannot authenticate the client.


Did not receive a client certificate for authentication. The client certificate is required to be sent on TLS communication on operations other than Query.

System action

The request fails.

Administrator response

Make sure a client sends a certificate that IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager trusts and retry the request.

CTGKP0801E Certificate type VALUE_0 not supported.


Cannot proceed because a value in the message is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0802E Key representation not supported.


Cannot proceed because a value in the message is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0803E Could not create managed object.


Cannot proceed. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0804E Key format type must be opaque for secret data objects. Value not valid: VALUE_0


Cannot proceed. A value in the message is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0805E Template must have at least one attribute.


Cannot proceed. The template must have at least one attribute.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0901E Error constructing KMIP Attribute object. Exception is: VALUE_0


Cannot proceed. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0902E Error getting KMIPConfig object.


Cannot proceed. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0903E Error in KMIP Attribute object. Exception is: VALUE_0


Cannot proceed. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0904E Unique identifier of the VALUE_0 is null.


Cannot proceed. An unexpected error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0905E Must specify either Common Key Specification, or both Private and Public Key Specifications.


Cannot proceed. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0906E More than two unique identifiers specified.


Cannot proceed. Received a value that is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0907E No templates or attributes specified.


Cannot process this message. This operation requires either a template name or at least one attribute.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0908E VALUE_0 payloads do not exist.


Cannot proceed. An unexpected error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0909E Unable to create KMIP message object.


Cannot proceed. An unexpected error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0910E At most, two unique identifiers can be specified.


Cannot proceed. Received a value that is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0911E Error in KMIP Attribute object. Exception is VALUE_0


Cannot proceed. Received a value that is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the problem and retry.

CTGKP0912E No attribute names returned.


Cannot proceed. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the problem and retry.

CTGKP0913E At least one attribute name must be requested.


Cannot proceed. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry.

CTGKP0914E Error in ManagedObject.


Internal error. Received null or not valid value for ManagedObject.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0915E Object tag does not match the type of cryptographic object returned.


Internal error. The tag does not match the type of the object returned.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0916E Either byte or object count must be specified.


Cannot process the GetUsageAllocation request. Specify either byte or object count.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0917E No attributes specified for Locate request.


Cannot process Locate request. Specify at least one attribute.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0918E Error constructing KMIP Attribute object. Exception is VALUE_0.


Internal error. Cannot process the request.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0919E No attributes specified on VALUE_0.


Cannot process the request. Specify at least one attribute.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0920E Multiple values for field VALUE_0 received.


Cannot process the request. Received multiple values of the field. However, the field is single-valued.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0921E Unrecognized field VALUE_0.


Cannot process the request. The field is not recognized.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0922E Received null object in a Put request.


Cannot process the Put request. There must be an object in the message.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0923E Replaced unique identifier must be specified if Put function is Replace.


Cannot process the Put request.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0924E Error constructing managed object. Error is VALUE_0.


Cannot process the Put request. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0925E Error constructing KMIP Attribute Object. Error is VALUE_0.


Cannot process the request. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0926E VALUE_0 not specified.


Cannot process the Put request. One of the required fields is not specified.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0927E All Query functions are null.


Cannot process the Query request. Specify at least one Query function.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0928E Unique Identifier of the object is null.


Internal error. Could not get a response to send back to the client. Cannot process the request.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation. If the problem persists, call IBM Support.

CTGKP0929E If Revocation Reason is Compromised, Compromise OccurrenceDate must be specified.


Cannot process the request. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0930E Compromise Occurrence Date not specified and Revocation Reason is Compromised.


Internal error. Cannot process the request. The input might not be valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0931E Error in constructing date-time object while processing VALUE_0. Error is VALUE_0


Cannot process the request because one of the KMIP attributes cannot be constructed from the specified input.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0932E Error in Revoke request fields. Error is VALUE_0


Cannot process the request. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0933E Certificates and Unique Identifiers are both null, nothing to validate.


Cannot process the request. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0934E Error constructing KMIP Certificate object. Error is VALUE_0


Cannot process the request. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP0935E Certificates and Unique Identifiers are both null.


Cannot process the request. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP1001E VALUE_0 is null.


Internal error occurred. One of the required objects is null. TLS initialization failed.

System action

KMIP TLS Listener is not available to accept KMIP requests.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. If you intend to use KMIP, ensure that your TLS configuration properties are defined properly and that the KMIP TLS port does not conflict with the port numbers that other applications use. If the problem persists, call IBM Support.

CTGKP1005E Error initializing KMIP Servlet.


Internal error occurred. There is a problem in initialization.

System action

Server is not able to accept KMIP requests.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the problem and retry. If the problem persists, call IBM Support.

CTGKP1007E KMIP is supported on TLS protocol only.


KMIP supports TLS protocol only. Http(s) is not supprted.

System action

The request fails.

Administrator response

Retry sending the request using TLS protocol.

CTGKP2001E Element size VALUE_0 bytes is larger than maximum size VALUE_1 bytes.


Cannot parse the message. The size is not valid.

System action

Cannot process the request.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP2002E Unable to read the response.


Cannot send the response to the client. An internal error occurred.

System action

Cannot process the request.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the problem and retry. If the problem persists, call IBM Support.

CTGKP2003E Byte array to send as a response message is null.


Cannot send the response to the client. An internal error occurred.

System action

Cannot process the request.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the problem and retry. If the problem persists, call IBM Support.

CTGKP2004E Unable to connect to server. Error is VALUE_0


Cannot connect to the server.

System action

Cannot send the request to the server.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Make sure the hostname and the port number of the server is correctly specified and retry. If the problem persists, call IBM Support.

CTGKP3001E Multiple values for VALUE_0 field received.


Multiple values received for the field, which is not a multi-valued attribute. Specify a single value for this field.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3002E Message is null.


Cannot parse the message. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3003E Message is not a response. Message is VALUE_0


Cannot parse the message. The message type is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3004E No payload in batch item.


Cannot parse the message. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3005E More than one batch item in the message.


Cannot process the message. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3006E Field in VALUE_0 is unknown VALUE_1.


Cannot parse object. Received an unrecognized field.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3007E Can only get response payload from response messages.


Internal error. Tried to get response payload from a request message.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Take appropriate action and retry.

CTGKP3008E Result status is pending but there are no batch items in the message VALUE_0.


Internal error. The result status is not correct when no batch items remain.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Take appropriate action and retry.

CTGKP3009E The result status is unknown in this message VALUE_0.


Internal error. The result status is not correct. Cannot send the response to the client.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Take appropriate action and retry.

CTGKP3010E Error reading result status from this response VALUE_0.


Internal error. The result status is not correct when no batch items remain. Cannot send the response to the client.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Take appropriate action and retry.

CTGKP3011E No batch items in the message.


Cannot process the message. Received no batch items.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Take appropriate action and retry.

CTGKP3012E The result status cannot be recognized.


Internal error. Received a result status that is not valid. Cannot send the response to the client.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Take appropriate action and retry.

CTGKP3013E Error occurred while creating KMIPCheckException. Error is VALUE_0.


Internal error occurred. Cannot process KMIP Check operation.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Take appropriate action and retry.

CTGKP3014E Operation failed. Error is VALUE_0.


Internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Take appropriate action and retry.

CTGKP3015E The result status cannot be recognized.


Internal error. Cannot send the response to the client because the result status is not correct.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Take appropriate action and retry.

CTGKP3016E Cryptographic algorithm is null.


No value for the cryptographic algorithm in the message.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3017E Year must be 4 characters.


Cannot process the message. The value for the year field is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3018E Month must be between 1 and 12.


Cannot process the message. The value for the month field is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3019E Day must be between 1 and 31.


Cannot process the message. The value for the day field is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3020E Hour must be between 0 and 24.


Cannot process the message. The value for the hour field is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3021E Minute must be between 0 and 59.


Cannot process the message. The value for the minute field is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3022E Second must be between 0 and 59.


Cannot process the message. The value for the second field is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3023E Unknown cryptographic algorithm VALUE_0


Cannot process the message. A cryptographic algorithm parameter that is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3024E Unsupported key format VALUE_0


Cannot process the message. The key format parameter is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3025E Wrapping method VALUE_0 is not supported.


Cannot process the message. The wrapping method in the message is not supported.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3026E The MAC/Signature verification failed.


Cannot process the message. The signature verification failed.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3027E Block cipher mode VALUE_0 only supported for AES algorithm.


Cannot process the message. The block cipher mode is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3028E Block cipher mode is null.


Cannot process the message. The block cipher mode is missing in the message.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3029E Block cipher mode VALUE_0 only supported for algorithm VALUE_1.


The block cipher mode in the message is not supported for this algorithm.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3030E The key value type VALUE_0 of the encryption key is not supported.


Cannot process the message. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3031E The wrapping key itself cannot already be wrapped.


Cannot process the message. The wrapping key is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3032E Unique Identifier mismatch: query does not match response.


Internal error. The unique identifier in the query and response do not match.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3033E No Last Changed Date attribute for specified cryptographic object.


Operation fails because the specified cryptogrpahic object does not have the last changed date attribute.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3034E Parameter VALUE_0 is not a Boolean value.


Cannot process the message. Specify the parameter as a Boolean value.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3035E Parameter VALUE_0 not defined.


Cannot process the message because the parameter is not specified.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP3036E Parameter VALUE_0 is empty.


Cannot process the message because the parameter is not specified.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4001E Zero or more than one attributes in container.


Internal error. Cannot get single-valued attribute because there are zero or more than one attribute present in the container.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4002E Template name cannot be null.


Cannot process the message. An unexpected error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4003E Error adding VALUE_0 attribute. Error is VALUE_1.


Cannot process the message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4004E The index can only be set when there is exactly one attribute in the container.


Cannot process the message. An unexpected error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4005E No index specified for VALUE_0 attribute value and index zero already used.


Cannot process the message. The parameters in the message are incorrect.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4006E This method cannot be batched with other requests.


Cannot process the message. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4007E Length of Wrapping Key ID array must be the same as the array for unique identifiers.


Cannot process the message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4008E List of unique identifiers is null.


Cannot process the message. The input parameter is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4009E Response was asynchronous although the Asynchronous Indicator is false.


Cannot process the message. The input parameter is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4010E Thread.sleep() interrupted. Error is VALUE_0


Cannot process the message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Check the audit logs. Take appropriate action and retry. If the problem persists, call IBM Support.

CTGKP4011E No templates or attributes specified.


Cannot process a message. The input parameter is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4012E Attribute name is null.


Cannot process a message. The input is not valid.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4013E Attribute value is null.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4014E Unexpected response payload received.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4015E Error parsing returned object in the response.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4016E Error getting attributes from the response.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4017E No attributes in the message.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4018E Unique identifier in the response does not match the one in the request.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4019E Asynchronous correlation value does not match. Result was VALUE_0.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4020E Error encoding request message VALUE_0.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4021E Reply is not a KMIP response.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4022E The response is empty even though batching is not used.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4023E Error while wrapping object. Error is VALUE_0.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4024E Error while unwrapping object. Error is VALUE_0.


Cannot process a message. An internal error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Correct the input and retry the operation.

CTGKP4025E Error connecting to the remote server. Error is VALUE_0.


Cannot process a message, unexpected error occurred.

System action

The requested operation fails.

Administrator response

Ensure that the remote server is up and running.