Viewing the list of clients and cryptographic objects by using the graphical user interface

Use the Clients page to view the list of registered clients and their associated cryptographic objects.

Before you begin

Ensure that your role has the required permissions to view client and cryptographic object details.


  1. Log in to the graphical user interface.
  2. Click Clients.
    The Client page is displayed.
  3. The table on the Client page shows the following details:
    Column name Description
    Client Name Name of the client.
    Client Certificate The certificate associated with the client.
    Users The users assigned to the client.
    Object Type Owned The type of the objects that are added to the client.
    No. of Objects The number of objects added to the client.
    Client Usage The application usage type of the client.
    Specifies that this client is used for Oracle TDE configuration.
    Specifies that this client is used for MongoDB configuration.
    Specifies that this client is used for Vmware configuration.
    Specifies that that this client is used for Ceph configuration.
    Specifies that this client is used for FileNet configuration.
    Specifies that this client is used for Db2 configuration.
    Specifies a client that uses the Key Management Interoperability Protocol to interact with IBM® Security Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager.
  4. To view details of a cryptographic object that is associated with a client, complete these steps:
    1. In the Clients table, double-click a client.
      The Modify Client window is displayed.
    2. From the Objects table, select the object type of which you want to view details, and click View.
      A dialog is displayed that contains a table with the list of objects of the selected object type. The name attribute, associated device group, and UUID for each object is also displayed in the table.
    3. For additional details of an object, select the object, and click View.
      The Details View dialog box is displayed. It contains details of the selected object such as alias, activation date, and so on.
  5. Click OK.