List Client Group Details REST Service
Use the List Client Group Details REST Service to retrieve details of a specific client group from the database.
- Operation
- https://host:port/SKLM/rest/v1/clients/{groupName}
By default, Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager server listens to the secure port 9443 (HTTPS) for communication. During IBM® Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager installation, you can modify this default port.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
host | Specify the IP address or hostname of the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server. |
port | Specify the port number on which the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server listens for requests. |
Request Headers
Header name | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/json |
Authorization | SKLMAuth userAuthId=<authIdValue> |
Accept-Language | Any valid locale that is supported by IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. For example, en or de. |
Path parameters
JSON object with the following specification:
Property name | Description |
groupName |
Specify the name of the client group to retrieve its details. |
Response Headers
Header name | Value and description |
Status Code |
Content-Type | application/json |
Content-Language | Locale for the response message. |
Success response body
JSON object with the following specification:
JSON property name | Description |
client | Returns the client details in a client group. |
groupName | Returns the name of the client group. |
clientCount | Returns the number of clients in the specified client group. |
clients | Returns the name of the clients in the specified client group. |
managedObjectCount | Returns the total number of objects that are associated with the clients in the client group. |
object | Returns the type of the objects that are associated with the clients. |
objectCount | Returns the type of the managed objects along with their count. |
Error response body
JSON object with the following specification.
JSON property name | Description |
messageId | Returns the message identifier. |
error | Returns a message that describes the error. |
- Listing client group details
GET https://localhost:port/SKLM/rest/v1/clients/groups/group1
- Success response
{ "client": { "groupName": "GROUP1", "clientCount": 2, "clients": [ "ABC_NEW", "MONGODB" ], "managedObjectCount": 40, "object": "Symmetric Key (10) Public Key (10) Private Key (10) Certificate (10) ", "objectCount": { "CERTIFICATE": "10", "SYMMETRIC_KEY": "10", "PUBLIC_KEY": "10", "PRIVATE_KEY": "10" } } }
- Incorrect usage example (where the client group with the specified name does not exist)
- Error response
{ "error": "CTGKM3535E Client group group2 cannot be found. Specify a valid name and retry the operation.", "messageId": "CTGKM3535E" }