Deleting a device

You might delete a selected device and its corresponding communication certificate, which can be in any state, such as active. After deletion, this device cannot communicate with the objects of the PEER_TO_PEER group.

About this task

You can use the Delete menu item to delete a device. Your role must have permissions to the delete action and to the appropriate device group.


  1. Log on to the graphical user interface.
  2. In the Key and Device Management section on Welcome page, select PEER_TO_PEER.
  3. Click Go to > Manage keys and devices.
  4. Alternatively, right-click PEER_TO_PEER and select Manage keys and devices.
  5. On the management page for PEER_TO_PEER, select a device.
  6. Click Delete.
  7. Alternatively, right-click a device and then select Delete.
  8. On the Confirm dialog, read the confirmation message. Then, click OK.

    The device is removed from the table.