Archiving transactional data of keys served to clients
IBM® Security Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager stores the transactional data of keys that are served to clients in a database table. To prevent the database table from overflowing, you can regularly archive this transactional data. During the backup, restore, and replication operations, IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager automatically archives the transactional data to avoid process failure because of database overflow.
About this task
The CSV file and a checksum file are included in a JAR file that is saved in the SKLM_DATA\DevAuditArchives folder.
The JAR and CSV file names have a date and time stamp as suffix (ServedData_datetimestamp.jar). For example: SKLM_DATA\ServedDataListArchives\ServedData_20190606160311+0530.jar
Do not directly edit the configuration file. Instead, use Update Config Property REST Service to update the properties.