Error changing user password for IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager

On windows system, when SKLMAdmin user tries to change the password by using the Change Password option, which is available in IBM® Security Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager graphical user interface, the password gets changed, but the error message is displayed on the screen.

The following error message is displayed when you are changing the password.
xception.WIMApplicationException: CWWIM4508E  Virtual member manager failed to w
rite to the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\Liberty\profiles\KLMProfile\
config\cells\SKLMCell\fileRegistry.xml' file: 'CWWIM4508E  Virtual member manage
r failed to write to the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\Liberty\profile
s\KLMProfile\config\cells\SKLMCell\fileRegistry.xml' file: 'Caller is not in the
required role to access restricted document(s)'.'.

The password is changed according to your requirements, and you can ignore the error message.