Db2 HADR status is red on the Welcome page although the Multi-Master cluster is functional
The Multi-Master section on the Welcome page of the graphical user interface and the
Multi-Master page display Db2® HADR status as
although the
Multi-Master cluster is up and running.
Check for the following exception in the agent
Thread[Thread-6,5,main] all:com.ibm.sklm.agent.listener.AgentTrustManager isTrusted
java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException: NotAfter:
CertificateExpiredException: NotAfter:
This exception occurs when the agent certificate has expired.
- Stop the agent service. See Stop Agent.
- Rename the agentks.jks file under SKLM_INSTALL_HOME\agent\.
- Start the agent service. See Agent Starter.
A new keystore is created that has the new agent certificate and the Multi-Master configuration
status changes to green ( icon).