Log files to troubleshoot problems

The timing of an error can provide an idea of which log file to use first. The two places an error might occur are immediately after the Db2® phase, and immediately after the middleware phase. Use this list to determine where to start.

During or immediately after the Db2 installation phase

  1. If the error occurs early enough, you might want to check the db2_install.log, prsResults.xml, and sklmInstaller*.log files.
  2. If the error occurs later during this phase, the sklm30properties directory might contain results of some of the Db2 configuration, or results from the other subprograms that run during this phase.
  3. The location of the error log file can vary depending on whether the error occurs during the Db2 phase, or at the end of the Db2 phase.

    At the end of the Db2 phase, the log files are copied from the sklm30properties directory to the <IM_DATA_DIR>\logs\sklmLogs directory. See Table 1 for the location of the files.

During or immediately after WebSphere® Application Server Liberty installation phase

The log files to examine for errors are db_config.log and sklmInstaller*.log files.