Installing on IBM zCX environment with Db2 for z/OS

Use instructions in this topic to install IBM® Security Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager on IBM zCX environment with Db2® for z/OS®.

Before you begin

Prepare the database system
  • Install Db2 for z/OS. For more information, see Installing and migrating Db2.
  • Ensure that function level 501 or later is activated in Db2 for z/OS. For more information, see
    To verify whether the required function level is activated, run the following command:
    SELECT LISTAGG(id, ', ') as ids FROM ( VALUES (1),(2), (5), (6)) AS X(id)
    The following output indicates that the required function level is activated:
    "1, 2, 5, 6"
  • Create a buffer pool set with the following configuration:
  • Create databases in the following sequence:
    create database KLMSMM BUFFERPOOL BP8K4 INDEXBP BP8K4;				
    create database KLMLGG BUFFERPOOL BP16K4 INDEXBP BP16K4;			
    create database KLM32KLH BUFFERPOOL BP32K4 INDEXBP BP32K4;
    Note: The database names specified here are examples. You can specify the database names of your choice. Ensure that the database names are up to 8 characters long.
  • Grant the DBADM permission for the databases and buffer pools to the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager database user.
    GRANT DBADM with dataaccess with accessctrl TO DB_USER; 

    Where, DB_USER is the database user for IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. For example, USER0001.

Prepare the host system with the IBM zCX environment
  • Ensure that your host system meets the minimum system requirements. For more information, see the Support matrix.
  • Provision an IBM z/OS Container Extension (zCX) instance on the host system. For more information, see What is z/OS Container Extension? .
Obtain the container installation files
Obtain the container installation files (eImages) for IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager from IBM Passport Advantage. For more information, see Installation images for containerized platforms.
Obtain the license files
Obtain the license file for Db2 for z/OS, db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar. This file is used by the Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager container to connect to the Db2 for z/OS database.
Save these license files to the host system.
Create Docker file
Create a file (Dockerfile) with the following content and save the file in the same directory where you saved the license file for Db2 for z/OS, db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar on the host system.
# Extend from GKLM Application Repository

#Copy license file to SKLM
COPY $DB2_LICENSE_FILE /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/sklm/custom

# Set Environment variable


Complete the following steps on the host system with the IBM zCX environment:

  1. Ensure that the databases (KLMSMM, KLMLGG, KLM32KLH) are running and ready to accept connections.
  2. Configure SSL/TLS on Db2 for z/OS. For instructions, see Configuring the Db2 server for SSL.
  3. Obtain the container installation file (eImage) from IBM Passport Advantage and save it in the same directory where you saved the license and Docker files. For more information, see Installation images for containerized platforms.
  4. Log in to the host system and navigate to the directory where you saved the eImage, license, and Docker files.
  5. Extract the Docker image of the Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager application from the image file.
    Sample command:
    docker load -i sklm:Rel_4200_155.s390x.tar
  6. Build the Docker image of the Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager application by using the Docker file to include the Db2 license file.
    Sample command:
    docker build -t gklmzos --build-arg LATEST_IMAGE=sklm:Rel_4200_155.s390x --build-arg DB2_LICENSE_FILE=db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar --no-cache .
  7. Initialize the docker swarm. To do so, run the following command:
    docker swarm init
  8. Define the docker secrets.
    echo DB_PWD | docker secret create sklmdb_password -
    echo DB_USR | docker secret create sklmdb_username -
    echo 68d95f0081f1dbfc0b06de9b0916df1c | docker secret create sklmapp_seed -
    echo your_sklmadmin_password | docker secret create sklmadmin_password -
    echo your_sklmadmin_password | docker secret create liberty_keystore_password -
  9. Define a Docker secret from the Db2 SSL/TLS certificate.
    docker secret create db2_ssl_cert Db2_SSL_CERT_FILE


    • db2_ssl_cert is the secret name.
    • Db2_SSL_CERT_FILE is the Db2 SSL/TLS certificate file name.
  10. Spin the Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager container by using the docker service command.
    docker service create -p 3801:3801 -p 1111:1111 -p 2222:2222 -p 9443:9443 -p 5696:5696 -p 1441:1441 -e DB_HOST=9.xx.xx.xx -e DB_PORT=446 -e DB_TYPE=zos_db2 -e ZOS_DB_NAMES=KLMSMM,KLMLGG,KLM32KLH -e LICENSE=accept -e ZOS_DB_LOCATION=db_location --mount src=klmappvolume,dst=/opt/ibm/wlp/products --secret sklmdb_username --secret sklmdb_password --secret sklmapp_seed --secret sklmadmin_password --secret liberty_keystore_password gklmzos
    Note: Ensure that the database names that you specify in the ZOS_DB_NAMES parameter are in the same sequence in which they were created.
    For more information about the parameters, see Parameters to install the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager container.
  11. To monitor the progress, run the following command.
    docker service logs -f gklm_service
    After you see the following message in the logs, proceed to the next step:
    IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server started.
  12. Launch the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager graphical user interface.

    Where, IP_address is the IP address or FQDN of the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server, and port is the port number that IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server listens on for requests.

  13. Log in to the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager graphical user interface with the Administrator user credentials (For example, sklmadmin).
  14. Activate IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager license. For instructions, see Trying IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager trial version and activating a purchased license.

What to do next

  • From the Welcome page, configure the drive types, keys, and certificates that your organization requires, or get started with using the product. See Administering.
  • (Optional) Enhance secure communication between the client and the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server by using a CA-signed certificate. See Importing a server certificate.