You can specify a key group for future use as the system default.
About this task
You can use the graphical user interface or the Key Group Default Rollover
Add REST Service to add a default key group rollover on a specific date to serve keys to a
device group. Your role must have the permission to the create action and a
permission to the appropriate device group.
Go to the appropriate page or directory:
- Graphical user interface:
- Log on to the graphical user interface.
- In the Key and Device Management section on Welcome page, select
- Click .
- Alternatively, right-click LTO and select Manage default
Specify an existing key group to be a future system default.
- Graphical user interface:
- On the management page for LTO, click Add.
- On the Add Future Write Default dialog, specify
the required information.
- Click Add Future Write Default.
- Do not specify two defaults for the same rollover date.
- If a key group does not exist at the time of rollover, IBM® Security Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager continues
to use the current default key group.
- You can add or delete table entries, but cannot modify an entry.
A success indicator varies, depending on the interface:
To delete a key group from the rollover table, your role must have permission to the delete action.