Error codes and messages for common error scenarios in REST services

IBM® Security Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager REST services might return error messages when you access IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server functions.

The following table lists the error scenarios that you might encounter when you work with IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager REST services:
Error scenario HTTP status code IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager application code IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager application message
Invalid request parameter was specified in the service request. 400 CTGKM0630E CTGKM0630E Validation error: \"Invalid name \" for parameter \"userId\"
After the user is logged in to the server, authorization header was not specified for other REST services. 400 CTGKM6002E CTGKM6002E Bad Request: Invalid user authentication ID or invalid request format.
Incorrect user name or password was specified. 401 CTGKM6003E CTGKM6003E Authentication Failure: Incorrect userid or password.
After the user is logged in to the server, an invalid authentication ID was specified in the authorization header for other REST services. 401 CTGKM6004E CTGKM6004E User is not authenticated or has already logged out
An incorrect or unsupported HTTP operation was used for REST services. For example, POST operation was used instead of GET operation. 405 NA NA
REST service request was sent with an empty HTTP request body. 500 NA
Error 500: javax.servl
io.IOException: Expect
ing '{' on line 1, 
column 0 instead, 
obtained token: 
'Token: EOF'