Deleting an image certificate
You can delete a selected image certificate, which can be in any state, such as active. You cannot delete a certificate that is associated with a storage image. You also cannot delete a certificate that is identified as the primary certificate for image or secondary certificate for image. For example, you might delete an expired certificate.
About this task
Before you begin, ensure that a backup exists of the keystore with the image certificate that you intend to delete. Verify that the certificate is not currently associated with a storage image. Determine the current state of the certificate, and ensure that deleting a certificate in this state conforms with your site policies.
Delete certificates only when the data protected by those certificates is no longer needed. Deleting certificates is like erasing the data. After certificates are deleted, data that is protected by those certificates is not retrievable.
You can use the Delete menu item or the Delete Certificate REST Service to delete a selected image certificate. Your role must have permissions to the delete action and to the appropriate device group.
Deleting a certificate deletes the material from the database.
What to do next
Next, you can back up the keystore again to accurately reflect the change in certificates.