Certificate management
Use the REST APIs in the Certificate management section to
complete certificate management related tasks such as creating a certificate, listing the existing
certificates, updating the attributes of certificates, and more.
Certificate Attribute Update REST Service
Use the Certificate Attribute Update REST Service to update certificate metadata are the Key Management Interoperability Protocol attributes in the database.
Certificate List REST Service
Use the Certificate List REST Service to return certificate information, which is based on the criteria such as a specific state.
Create Certificate REST Service
Use the Create Certificate REST Service to create a certificate and a public and private key pair. The newly created certificate is stored in an existing keystore.
Certificate Generate Request REST Service
Use the Certificate Generate Request REST Service to create a PKCS #10
certificate request file. This service creates certificate request file, such as SKLM_HOME/080419154137–sslcert001.csr . You must manually send the request to a certificate authority.
Certificate Update REST Service
Use the Certificate Update REST Service to update attributes or usage for a certificate.
Add Certificate to Liberty Keystore REST Service
Use the Add Certificate to Liberty Keystore REST Service to export a TLS or KMIP certificate to the Liberty keystore.
Bulk Certificate Update REST Service
Use the Bulk Certificate Update REST Service to update communication certificates for client devices that have the same WWNN (worldwide node name) value as in the new certificate. For example, you can run this REST service to update the certificate for devices in multiple PEER_TO_PEER device groups.
Update Owner REST Service
Use the Update Owner REST Service to update the owner of the KMIP objects to use the new client certificate.
Certificate Direct Import REST Service
Use the Certificate Direct Import REST Service to import a certificate file to the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server directly from your system, without having to upload the certificate file to the server first.
Certificate Export REST Service
Use the Certificate Export REST Service to export a certificate file.
Certificate Import REST Service
Use the Certificate Import REST Service to import a certificate file. You must use the Certificate Export REST Service to export the certificates. You can then import this certificate from the exported file.
Certificate Default Rollover Add REST Service
Use the Certificate Default Rollover Add REST Service to add a default certificate rollover for a specific date and device group. The rollover certificate takes the place of the previous default certificate on the specified date.
Certificate Default Rollover List REST Service
Use the Certificate Default Rollover List REST Service to list certificate rollovers in a rollover list for a specified device group.
Certificate Default Rollover Delete REST Service
Use the Certificate Default Rollover Delete REST Service to remove a certificate rollover that is specified in a rollover list.
Delete Certificate REST Service
Use the Delete Certificate REST Service to delete a certificate from the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server. The certificate can be in any state, such as active.