Db2 configuration parameters

Use the worksheet to record your entries that are related to the installation and configuration of Db2.

Table 1. Db2 configuration parameters
Field name Description Default or example value Your value
Installation Directory - Db2 Directory in which to install Db2.
drive:\Program Files\IBM\DB2GKLMV421
AIX® and Linux®
Install Db2 or Use an existing installation of Db2 Specify whether to use an existing Db2 instance or a new Db2 installation. If an existing Db2 instance is used, you must specify the Db2 installation location and the other details.  
Db2 Administrator ID User ID for the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager database administrator (also called the instance owner). KLMDB421  
Db2 Administrator Password Password for the database administrator user ID.

Ensure that the password complies with the password policy of the underlying operating system.

Database Name Name of the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager database. klmdb421  
Db2 Port Db2 service listening port. 50100  
Administrator / Database Home Directory where the database instance and formatted tables are created.
Linux and AIX
Administrator group Operating system user group in which the instance owner of the database is a member on Linux or AIX systems. -