Configuring EKMF Web with OIDC authentication
Use this topic to configure EKMF Web with IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager by using the OIDC authentication.
- Set up the key template in EKMF Web. For instructions, see Setting up a key template in IBM Enterprise Key Management Foundation (EKMF) Web.
- Define EKMF Web configuration properties in
IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. For instructions, see Defining EKMF Web configuration properties in IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager.
- Import the EKMF Web certificate and OIDC
server certificate. When you import the EKMF Web
certificate, for the Trust this certificate for field, choose EKMF
Web. Similarly, for the OIDC certificate choose OIDC.
For instructions, see Importing a system peripheral certificate.
- Test the connection. For instructions, see Testing EKMF Web connection.
- Set up master key in EKMF Web. For instructions, see Setting up the master key in EKMF Web.
- Verify the configuration of master key in EKMF Web. For instructions, see Verifying configuration of master key in EKMF Web.