Preparing to upgrade a server to use an Active Directory user as the Db2 administrator user

Complete these steps to prepare for inline migration of a domain-managed Windows system that uses an Active Directory user as the Db2 administrator user. This procedure is applicable when you are upgrading from V3.x.x.x or V4.0.x.x.


  1. Ensure that the existing IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager is configured with Active Directory and the Db2 administrator user is reconfigured to use the Active Directory or domain user, instead of the local operating system user.
    Instructions to use the Active Directory user as the Db2 administrator user are provided here:
  2. Log in as the Active Directory or domain user that you will use to install IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager 4.2.1.
  3. Navigate to the directory that contains the application properties file. For example, sklm40properties or sklm301properties.
    The default path to the file for V4.0 on Windows is C:\sklm40properties
  4. Edit the db2srcit.txt file and update the following properties with the values that you provided while configuring the Active Directory user as part of Step 1.
    • DB2ADMINID is the Active Directory user name of the Db2 administrator ID that you configured in Step 1.

      For example, if the Db2 administrator ID is XYZ\dbsaan, then value for DB2ADMINID is dbsaan.

    • DB2ADMIN is the same value that you provided for the DB2ADMINID property.
  5. Save and close the db2srcit.txt file.
  6. Navigate to the %temp% directory.
  7. Create the file, and add the following properties:
    Where, Your_Domain_Admin_UserID is the same value that you provided for DB2ADMINID in Step 4.

    Schemaname is the local Db2 database of the existing version of IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager (3.x.x.x or 4.0.x.x).

    For example:

What to do next

Upgrading IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager to Version 4.2.1