Pending Client Certificate List REST Service

Use Pending Client Certificate List REST Service to list pending certificates that are pushed to the server from a client device for secure communication with IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager.

Acceptance marks the certificate as trusted and allows the client device to establish secure communication with IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. The certificate is added to the keystore. Rejection removes the certificate from the pending list and prevents its use for secure communication between the device and the server.

By default, Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server listens to the secure port 9443 (HTTPS) for communication. During IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager installation, you can modify this default port.


Request Parameters
Parameter Description
host Specify the IP address or hostname of the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server.
port Specify the port number on which the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server listens for requests.
Request Headers
Header name Value
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json
Authorization SKLMAuth userAuthId=<authIdValue>
Accept-Language Any valid locale that is supported by IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. For example, en or de.


Response Headers
Header name Value and description
Status Code
200 OK
The request was successful. The response body contains the requested representation.
400 Bad Request
The authentication information was not provided in the correct format.
401 Unauthorized
The authentication credentials were missing or incorrect.
404 Not Found Error
The processing of the request fails.
500 Internal Server Error
The processing of the request fails because of an unexpected condition on the server.
Content-Type application/json
Content-Language Locale for the response message.
Success response body

JSON object with the following specification:

JSON property name Description
uuid Returns the universal unique identifier of the certificate.
subject name Returns the certificate subject name. The X.509 certificates contain the subject distinguished name. The property value is from the Subject field of the certificate.
issuer name Returns the distinguished name of the certificate issuer. The property value is from the Issuer field of the certificate.
serial number Returns the certificate serial number.
client cert pending date Returns the certificate pending date for acceptance or rejection.
key state Indicates the certificate status, such as ACTIVE.
creation date Returns the certificate creation date.
expiration date Returns the certificate expiration date at which the certificate expires for use in secure communication.
Cryptographic Algorithm Represents the cryptographic algorithm of the certificate, such as RSA, DSA, DES, 3DES, or AES.
Cryptographic Length Returns the length of the clear-text cryptographic object in bits.
X509 output Returns the standard X509 certificate details.
Error Response Body

JSON object with the following specification.

JSON property name Description
code Returns the application error code.
message Returns a message that describes the error.


Service request to list pending client certificates
GET https://localhost:<port>/SKLM/rest/v1/pendingClientCertificates
Content-Type: application/json
Accept : application/json
Authorization : SKLMAuth userAuthId=37ea1939-1374-4db7-84cd-14e399be2d20
Accept-Language : en
Success response
Status Code : 200 OK
    "uuid": "CERTIFICATE-a2b3f39e-e2e2-4c3a-8d2a-1a7a70325f98",
    "subject name": "CN=sklm, OU=sales, O=myCompanyName, C=US",
    "issuer name": "CN=sklm, OU=sales, O=myCompanyName, C=US",
    "serial number": "187046468526998",
    "client cert pending date": "null",
    "key state": "ACTIVE",
    "creation date": "2/5/14 2:36:08 PM India Standard Time",
    "expiration date": "10/31/16 2:36:08 PM India Standard Time",
    "Cryptographic Algorithm": "null",
    "Cryptographic Length": "null",
    "X509 output": "[
  Version: V3
  Subject: CN=sklm, OU=sales, O=myCompanyName, C=US
  Signature Algorithm: SHA256withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11

  Key:  IBMJCEPlus RSA Public Key:
public exponent:

  Validity: [From: Wed Feb 05 14:36:08 IST 2014,
               To: Mon Oct 31 14:36:08 IST 2016]
  Issuer: CN=sklm, OU=sales, O=myCompanyName, C=US
  SerialNumber: [187046468526998]

Certificate Extensions: 1
[1]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 37 28 bb 82 e8 02 14 68  a0 51 13 75 7a 7a 80 e2  7......h.Q.uzz..
0010: 10 0b 9b d5                                        ....

  Algorithm: [SHA256withRSA]
0000: 66 c8 b7 ca d2 35 5c 11  0d ee cd 77 57 52 47 8a  f....5.....wWRG.
0010: e0 98 bb f8 4e 43 d1 56  dd 29 24 6c 43 d7 ec 9d  ....NC.V...lC...
0020: a6 8a e9 d4 b3 b2 1b 0a  37 be 09 d7 5a 7a 26 8c  ........7...Zz..
0030: f9 6b ac d7 a4 2e a8 c3  d6 45 e6 a4 ae 6c df ad  .k.......E...l..
0040: b5 c5 db c5 b1 f5 44 2d  30 84 60 41 0b a1 77 89  ......D.0..A..w.
0050: 78 ee 59 d0 9a ea 8d 32  95 c6 26 bf 39 6b 46 67  x.Y....2....9kFg
0060: 6b 0c 65 fa 09 a1 49 0a  7b 0e fe af 20 cf d3 fd  k.e...I.........
0070: 3f 4b 55 03 4d 6f 8e ef  ca 0e e6 a0 c1 91 06 f7  .KU.Mo..........
0080: b0 6c ef 49 a4 b3 2e 4a  1f 8d 2c 0f cd f3 1e aa  .l.I...J........
0090: 28 0f 1b 51 09 fb 73 dc  79 ba 0c d6 a6 2c 65 a6  ...Q..s.y.....e.
00a0: f7 51 25 7f 7d 54 5b 19  7a 5c 3e 6c fb e9 7e 45  .Q...T..z..l...E
00b0: be 6a c8 42 22 f2 21 e7  6c c3 be 9a c2 f1 2c 64  .j.B....l......d
00c0: a5 1b bd 79 a7 c7 aa f7  5f e7 7d 76 c0 2c c4 f8  ...y.......v....
00d0: 77 48 2c 7e f7 04 a3 d4  b8 0e 99 56 2a b5 f7 b4  wH.........V....
00e0: 06 f3 b8 b7 7f d4 e3 b5  ff 35 05 fa 64 10 75 79
00f0: 85 f1 97 bb ab ce f1 08  bc b5 d0 73 a5 34 80 5a  ...........s.4.Z

Error response
Status Code : 400 Bad Request
Content-Language: en
{"code" "CTGKM6002E",
 "message": "CTGKM6002E Bad Request: Invalid user authentication
	ID or invalid request format."