License usage metrics
IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager writes the license usage information to software identification tag files. Versions of the IBM® License Metric Tool that support these tag files, can then generate license consumption reports.
IBM® License Metric Tool helps you maintain your license compliance. To generate IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager license usage metrics, you must install and configure IBM License Metric Tool. IBM License Metric Tool is not bundled with IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager.
IBM License Metric Tool discovers the software that is installed in your infrastructure, helps you to analyze the consumption data, and generates audit reports. For more information about using IBM License Metric Tool, see
Authorized User
, Install
, Processor Value Unit
, Client Device
, and Resource Value Unit (RVU)
.Authorized User
- An Authorized User is a unique person who is given access to the program. The program may be installed on any number of computers or servers and each Authorized User can have simultaneous access to any number of instances of the program at one time. Licensee must obtain separate, dedicated entitlements for each Authorized User given access to the program in any manner directly or indirectly (for example, through a multiplexing program, device, or application server) through any means. An entitlement for an Authorized User is unique to that Authorized User and may not be shared, nor may it be reassigned other than for the permanent transfer of the Authorized User entitlement to another person.
- Install is a unit of measure by which the program can be licensed. An install is an installed copy of the program on a physical or virtual disk made available to be executed on a computer. Licensee must obtain an entitlement for each installation of the program.
Processor Value Unit (PVU)
- The number of PVU entitlements required is based on the processor technology and the number of processors made available to the program.
Client Device
- A Client Device is a single-user computing device or special-purpose sensor or telemetry device that requests the execution of or receives for execution a set of commands, procedures, or applications from or provides data to another computer system that is typically referred to as a server or is otherwise managed by the server. Multiple Client Devices may share access to a common server.
Resource Value Unit (RVU)
- RVU Proofs of Entitlement (PoEs) are based on the number of units of a specific resource that are used or managed by the program. Licensee must obtain sufficient entitlements for the number of RVUs required for licensee's environment for the specific resources. RVU entitlements are specific to the program and the type of resource and may not be exchanged, interchanged, or aggregated with RVU entitlements of another program or resource.
Location of software identification tag files
The software identification tag files have the extension .swidtag. The files are read periodically by the IBM License Metric Tool after it is configured to scan for these files. The tag file for IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager is located at: SKLM_HOME\swidtag\product_id.swidtag