Exporting a client by using the graphical user interface

You can export client data to an encrypted archive file on an IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server. You can then import the client data from this file into another IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server to enable data transfer between these servers.


  1. Log in to the graphical user interface.
  2. Exporting a client by using Client Dashboard.
    1. Click Clients.
    2. Select the client that you want to export, and click Export.
    3. On the Export Client window, the Client field displays the client name that you selected.
    4. The File location field displays the default SKLM_DATA directory path, where the export file is saved, for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Liberty\products\sklm\data. For the definition of SKLM_DATA, see Definitions for HOME and other directory variables. Click Browse to specify an export repository location under the SKLM_DATA directory.
    5. In the Password field, specify a value for the encryption password. Ensure that you retain the encryption password for future use.
    6. In the Retype password field, retype the password that you entered in the Password field.
    7. In the Description field, specify additional information that indicates the purpose of the client export file.
    8. Click Export.
  3. Exporting a client by using the Export and Import option.
    1. On the Welcome page, click Administration > Export and Import.
    2. Click the Export drop-down list and select Client.
    3. On the Export Client window, click Select and choose the client from the list.
    4. Select the file location, specify the password, and add a description in the respective fields.
    5. Click Export.
  4. Alternatively, you can use the Client Export REST Service to export the client data.

What to do next

Ensure that you retain the password for use when you later import and decrypt the client export file into another instance of IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. Review the directory that contains the export archive to ensure that the export file exists.