Setting the maximum transaction timeout

The total transaction timeout value is set to 600 seconds by default. Depending on the setting, some long running IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager operations might timeout.

About this task

Long running IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager operations might timeout with an error message like this example:
[10/21/08 14:28:41:693 CDT] 00000020 TimeoutManage I   
WTRN0006W: Transaction 00000110001 has timed out after xxx seconds.

To configure the transaction timeout interval to a larger value, take these steps:


  1. Stop the server.
    • Windows systems:

      In the WAS_HOME\bin directory, type:

    • AIX® and Linux® systems:

      In the WAS_HOME/bin directory, type:

  2. Edit this file:
  3. Change the propogatedOrBMTTranLifetimeTimeout parameter to a larger value.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Start the server.
    • Windows systems:

      In the WAS_HOME\bin directory, type:

    • AIX and Linux systems:

      In the WAS_HOME/bin directory, type:

    Table 1. Topic change log
    Date Change description
    06 January 2023 Corrected the server start and stop commands.
    20 April 2022 Corrected the commands for stopping WebSphere Liberty on AIX or Linux.
    10 Sept 2021 Initial version.