Recovering from a failed uninstallation on Windows systems

You must recover a failed attempt to uninstall IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager on a Windows system.

About this task

This task assumes that the uninstallation program failed to complete successfully. Take these recovery steps:


  1. Stop the WebSphere Application Server Liberty service.
    1. Open the Windows Services Console by opening the Control Panel and clicking Administrative Tools > Services.
    2. Locate the WebSphere Liberty service.

      For example: GKLM421Server

    3. Open the Properties dialog box for the service. If the Service status is not Stopped, click Stop.
    4. Click OK to close the dialog box and exit the Windows Services Console.
    If you cannot stop the service from inside the Windows Service Console, open a command prompt window and enter these commands to stop the service manually:
    cd WAS_HOME\bin
    server.bat stopWinService defaultServer
  2. Remove the WebSphere Liberty service, if it is not already removed.
    Open a command prompt window and enter these commands:
    cd WAS_HOME\bin
    server.bat unregisterWinService defaultServer
  3. Uninstall WebSphere Liberty, if exists and other products are not using it.

    If the WAS_HOME or WAS_HOME\bin directories are already removed, skip Steps 1, 2, and 3.

  4. Open the C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\installRegistry.xml file in a text editor.
    Note: Back up the installRegistry.xml file.
  5. Remove the entries that are relating only to IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager.
    For example:
    <profile id='IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager v4.1.1' kind='product'>
  6. Remove the installation log files in this directory:

    \IM App Data Dir\logs

  7. Remove Control Panel > Add or remove programs > IBM Installation Manger.
  8. Remove the following folders, if exists:
    • C:\Program Files\IBM\DB2GKLMV421
    • C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere
    • C:\Program Files\IBM\GKLMV421
    • C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager
    • C:\Program Files\IBM\IBMIMShared
  9. Restart the computer.