Get All Masters Detail REST Service

Use the Get All Masters Detail REST Service to retrieve configuration details of all masters in the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager multi-master cluster.


By default, Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server listens to the secure port 9443 (HTTPS) for communication. During IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager installation, you can modify this default port.


Request Parameters
Parameter Description
host Specify the IP address or hostname of the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server.
port Specify the port number on which the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server listens for requests.
Request Headers
Header name Value
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json
Authorization SKLMAuth userAuthId=<authIdValue>
Accept-Language Any valid locale that is supported by IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. For example, en or de.


Response Headers
Header name Value and description
Status Code
200 OK
The request was successful. The response body contains the requested representation.
400 Bad Request
The authentication information was not provided in the correct format.
401 Unauthorized
The authentication credentials were missing or incorrect.
404 Not Found Error
The processing of the request fails.
500 Internal Server Error
The processing of the request fails because of an unexpected condition on the server.
Content-Type application/json
Content-Language Locale for the response message.
Success response body

JSON object with the following specification:

JSON property name Description
instanceId Returns the unique ID that identifies a master in the cluster.
name Returns the name of the master in the cluster.
clusterName Returns the name for the multi-master cluster to which the master belongs.
ipHostname Returns the IP address or host name of the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server.
tcpPort Returns the port number on which the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server listens for requests from devices.
httpPort Returns the default HTTPS port to access IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager graphical user interface and REST services.
adminPort Returns the WebSphere Application Server Liberty port for the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager profile.
sslPort Returns the port number on which the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server listens for requests from devices that communicate by using the TLS protocol.
kmipPort Returns the port number on which the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server listens for requests from devices that communicate over the TLS socket by using the Key Management Interoperability Protocol.
dbPort Returns the Db2 service listening port.
hadrPort Returns the HADR port for the database.
agentPort Returns the port number on which the agent listens for requests.
hadrType Returns the HADR database type.
instanceType Returns the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager instance type.
status Returns the number of nodes in the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager multi-master cluster.
dbName Returns the name of the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager database.
dbUsername Returns the user ID of the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager database administrator.
dbPassword Returns the password for the database administrator user ID.
sklmUsername Returns the name of the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager administrator.
sklmPassword Returns the password for the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager administrator.
actingPrimary Indicates whether the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager master in the cluster is now the primary server.
isFaulty Indicates whether any error with the database of IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager master.
isServerRestartRequired Indicates whether the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager master needs to be restarted to accept the configuration changes, if any.
agentKeystorePassword Returns the agent keystore password.
standbyPriorityIndex Returns the priority index value for the standby database to takeover when the primary database is down.
lastUpdateTimestamp Returns the last update timestamp.
Error Response Body

JSON object with the following specification.

JSON property name Description
code Returns the application error code.
message Returns a message that describes the error.


Service request to retrieve configuration details of all the masters in a multi-master cluster
GET https://localhost:port/SKLM/rest/v1/ckms/nodes
Content-Type: application/json
Accept : application/json
Authorization: SKLMAuth userAuthId=139aeh34567m
Accept-Language : en
Success response
200 OK
{"status":"CTGKM2952I Found 2 Node(s)."},
{"instanceId": "a1eff98",
 "name": "a1eff98",
 "clusterName": "multimaster",
 "ipHostname": "",
 "tcpPort": "3801",
 "httpPort": "9443",
 "sslPort": "1441",
 "kmipPort": "5696",
 "dbPort": "50100",
 "hadrPort": "0",
 "agentPort": "60015",
 "hadrType": "0",
 "instanceType": "0",
 "status": "0",
 "dbName": "klmdb421",
 "dbUsername": "KLMDB421",
 "dbPassword": "02C1F7918BB1B67E30DA1C7D045BF61E",
 "sklmUsername": "SKLMAdmin",
 "sklmPassword": "9E90A856ABDABA9ED0CD795C71630A7C",
 "actingPrimary": "0",
 "isFaulty": "0",
 "isServerRestartRequired": "0",
 "agentKeystorePassword": "7B2F9ABCCF56299F047E60981982348B",
 "standbyPriorityIndex": "0",
 "lastUpdateTimestamp": "6/30/17, 10:17:37 AM India Standard Time"},

 "clusterName": "multimaster", 
 "status": "",
 "actingPrimary": "0",
 "isFaulty": "0",
 "isServerRestartRequired": "0",
 "standbyPriorityIndex": "0", 
 "lastUpdateTimestamp": "7/30/17, 12:17:37 AM India Standard Time"}] 
Error response
"message":"CTGKM6002E Bad Request: Invalid user authentication ID or invalid request format."}
Table 1. Topic change log
Date Change description
27 Jan 2022 Removed ports 9080 and 9083 from the REST responses.
10 Sept 2021 Initial version.