Modifying a user

Use the User Management page to add, modify, or remove the assigned roles or groups to a user.


  1. Access the User Management page.
    1. Log in to the graphical user interface by using your credentials.
    2. Click User Management.
      The Users page opens that displays a list of the users and LDAP groups along with their assigned roles and groups.
  2. To modify the user role assignment, complete these steps:
    1. Select the user to be modified, and click Modify.
      The Modify User window is displayed.
    2. Ensure that the Assign Roles tab is selected.
    3. From the Roles lists, select or remove the roles.
    4. Click Assign Roles.
  3. To modify the user group assignment, complete these steps.
    1. Select the user to be modified, and click Modify.
      The Modify User window is displayed.
    2. Click the Assign Groups tab.
    3. To assign or remove a group, from the Groups lists, select or remove the groups.
    4. Click Assign Groups.
    If you do not want to change any assignment, click Close.