Examining an error log file

IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager generates several log files that you can use to troubleshoot problems that occur when you install and configure IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager.


  1. Review the list of log files.
    The log file to start with depends on the operating system and the phase of the installation. The list in Log files to troubleshoot problems can provide a starting point. You might examine several log files before you find the one with the error messages.
  2. Go to the directory with the log file, and open it with a text editor.
    On a Windows system, use a text editor that can process UNIX-style newline characters, such as Microsoft WordPad.
  3. The most recent log entries are at the end of the file. Starting at the last entry in the log file, examine each entry.
    Take note of the program that is involved and the time stamp of the entry if it has one.

    After the final entry is reviewed, look at the entry before it. Review this entry as you did the previous entry. Scan for anything that is mentioned in both places such as file names or error conditions.

    Repeat the previous step, moving upward in the log file. There might be several entries with information that is related to the error condition. If the information in this log file is insufficient, look for more information in another log file.

    If there are no messages about an error, go to another log file.