Starting Db2 automatically

If you completed a failed migration by running the migration script in recovery mode, you must enable Db2 to start automatically when the computer restarts.

Windows systems

On Windows systems, take these steps to start Db2 automatically:
  1. Open the Control Panel and click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Right-click the DB2 - DBSKLMV421 - SKLMDB421 service and right-click Properties.
  3. On the Properties dialog, on the General tab, change the Startup Type to Automatic and click Apply.
  4. Restart the system to verify that the database server starts automatically.

AIX® and Linux® systems

If you enabled crontab in IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager, type this command to enable Db2 to start automatically:
. DB_home_dir/sqllib/db2profile
DB_HOME/instance/db2iauto -on KLMDB421

Where KLMDB421 is the default instance owner user ID. If you changed the value during installation, use that user ID instead.