Viewing conflicts report

During rejoin of isolated read-write master to the cluster, its data is analyzed for conflicts with the data of primary master of the cluster. Conflicts must be resolved before the isolated read-write master data is merged with the primary database. You can view the list of conflicts to analyze and resolve the problems. You can export the conflicts data in comma-separated value (CSV) format.


  1. Go to the appropriate page.
    Graphical user interface
    1. Log on to the graphical user interface of isolated read-write master.
    2. Click the Join back this master to Multi-Master cluster link in the notification area on the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager welcome page.
    3. On the Confirm dialog, read the confirmation message before you rejoin master to the cluster.
    4. Click OK to run the rejoin process.
    REST interface
    1. Open a REST client.
    2. Obtain a unique user authentication identifier to access IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager REST services. For more information about the authentication process, see Authentication process for REST services.
    3. To run Join Back Cluster REST Service, send the HTTP POST request. Pass the user authentication identifier that you obtained in Step b along with the request message as shown in the following example.
      GET https://localhost:<port>/SKLM/rest/v1/ckms/config/nodes/joinBackTheCluster
      Content-Type: application/json
      Accept : application/json
      Authorization: SKLMAuth userAuthId=139aeh34567m
      Accept-Language : en
  2. If any conflicts arise during the rejoin process, a list of conflicts is displayed in the Conflicts with MM Cluster window.
  3. To export the conflicts data to a file in comma-separated values (CSV) format, click Export Conflict Report.

What to do next

Resolve the conflicts before the isolated read-write master data is merged with the primary database. You can use the Conflict resolution to resolve the conflicts.