Setting up a Multi-Master cluster

You can use the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager graphical user interface or REST APIs to set up a Multi-Master cluster.

Before you begin

Review values of the following Multi-Master cluster configuration properties, and if required, modify them:
  • takeoverRetryTimeInterval
  • takeoverRetryFrequency
For more information, see Multi-Master cluster configuration properties

About this task

The server from where you add the first standby master server to a cluster is configured as the primary master server. After the cluster is created with a minimum of one primary and one standby master server, you can add master servers from any of the master servers in the cluster. You can use the graphical user interface or REST interface to add a master server to the cluster. Your role must have the permission to add standby master servers to the Multi-Master cluster.


  1. Review the Multi-Master deployment architecture and requirements for configuring a cluster. For more information, see Multi-Master deployment architecture and Requirements and considerations for Multi-Master configuration.
  2. Log in to the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager server that you want to configure as the primary master server (server with Primary Db2 database).
  3. Add the master server with standby Db2 database (Principal standby master server) to the cluster. See Adding a standby master server to a cluster.
  4. (Optional) Add one or two master servers with standby Db2 database (Auxiliary standby master servers) to the cluster. See Adding a standby master server to a cluster.
  5. (Optional) Add non-HADR master servers to the cluster. See Adding a non-HADR master server to a cluster.
    Note: The support for adding a non-HADR master server to a Multi-Master cluster will be deprecated in the later versions of IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. It is recommended to add a HADR master server to a Multi-Master cluster.
  6. Review the Multi-Master cluster configuration and ensure that the cluster is working correctly. See Viewing the configuration status of all master servers.

What to do next

Create or use an application or utility to trigger email notifications for issues in the Multi-Master cluster. For more information, see Notification service.