
Use the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager agent service to monitor health status and configure IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager instances in a Multi-Master cluster.

After you install an IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager instance, the agent is also automatically installed in that server. The agent starts when you start IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager. When the Agent service is down, the Agent Invoker service runs the Agent Starter script agentStarter to restart the service. The file contains the necessary information to run the script. For more information, see Agent Invoker and Agent Starter.

The following diagram shows how the IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager agents are deployed in the Multi-Master environment. The agent on each IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager instance (master) captures the status of UI, KMIP, and IPP ports. Then, the status information is updated in the database with timestamp.
IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager monitoring agents
IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager agent provides the following services to collect monitoring data and configure IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager instances in the cluster.
Scheduled services
Gathers status data by starting and maintaining the following set of services at regular intervals.
Configuration services
The agent provides several services to set up IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager masters for Multi-Master configuration. The configuration services are automatically started when the agent is started.