Testing EKMF Web connection

Use the REST interface to test the connection between EKMF Web and IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager.


  1. Open the Swagger UI. For more information, see Using Swagger UI.
  2. Authenticate and authorize to access the REST services. For more information, see Authentication process for REST services.
  3. Go to the Master key management section.
  4. Run the Test or Refresh EKMF Web Connection REST Service to verify whether EKMF Web is configured. This REST service validates the connection with each of the configured EKMF Web hosts.
    GET SKLM/rest/v1/ckms/masterKey/EKMFWeb/testConnection
    Note: If you configured EKMF Web Crypto host, in the REST response body, the KEY_API_HEALTH response property correctly returns Fail. It shows as Fail because EKMF Web Crypto hosts do not support KEY API, and handle only the cryptographic operations. Also, the CRYPTO_API_HEALTH attribute returns Fail until the Set Up Master Key in EKMF Web REST Service is called.

What to do next

Verify the configuration of master key in EKMF Web. For instructions, see Verifying configuration of master key in EKMF Web.