Creating your own group

If the predefined groups in Guardium® Data Security Center do not suit your needs, you can manually create your own groups.

Before you begin

By default, you must be assigned the Administrator role to be able to manage groups.
Important: If you have policy rules that use groups as rule conditions, modifying the groups by adding or removing members will result in reactivation of group members.

To open the Groups page, select Configurations > Groups in the main menu. Open this menu by clicking the main menu icon (main menu).


  1. Click Add group to open the Create a group dialog box.
  2. Name: Enter a name for the group (maximum 255 characters). This name is used to distinguish this group from other groups in Guardium Data Security Center.
  3. Type: Choose the type of group that you are creating.
    Important: You cannot change the group type after creating the group.
  4. Optional: Description: Enter a description for the group. This field accepts a maximum of 1000 characters.
  5. Optional: Set as a parent group that only contains other groups: Select this checkbox if you want to set the group to be a parent group.
    Parent groups: Some groups in Guardium Data Security Center are parent groups without members of their own. These groups accept only child groups and they become populated when you add or import groups to them. Note these conditions that apply when importing groups that have the same name as existing Guardium Data Security Center groups:
    • Predefined parent groups: If you import a group from a Guardium central manager that has the same name as a Guardium Data Security Center predefined group, the imported group will become a child of the predefined group. The name of the imported child group will be the original name of the group, plus the name of the central manager appended to it.
    • User-defined parent groups: If you import a group from a Guardium central manager that has the same name as a Guardium Data Security Center user-defined group, the imported group will become a new group in Guardium Data Security Center (the name of the imported child group will be the original name of the group, plus the name of the central manager appended to it).
  6. Click Save.


The new group opens to its details page, where you can add members and import members from LDAP or from a CSV file.