Checking the Risk Events list

View a list of the Risk Events by a date range. You can filter the Risk Events and save your favorite filters.

Before you begin

DDR This content is available through the IBM Guardium® Data Detection and Response module.

To open the Risk events page, in the main menu (, click Intelligence > Risk events.


  • When you access the Risk events page for the first time, you see the introduction banner. This banner provides basic information about Risk Events and has links for fast access to setting tabs. You can remove this banner, temporarily or permanently, by clicking the X icon at the upper right of the banner.
  • By default, the Risk events page lists all the open Risk Events that have findings in the last 24 hours. Expand the time range drop-down list to set a different time range. Clear the ‘Open events only’ to retrieve Risk Events with all statuses.
  • To filter this view, open the Filter window, select the filter criteria, and then click Apply filters.
  • To customize the columns in the table, click Customize columns. Then, in the Customize columns dialog box, select all columns that you want to display in the table, and drag the columns to reorder them. Click Done when you are finished.
  • If you filter the table or customized its columns, you can save these settings by creating a Preset view. To create a new preset view, click the plus icon in the preset card, give the preset card a unique name and a description, and save it.
  • When you click a preset view, the table changes to reflect the filter and columns. Guardium Data Security Center provides four default preset views: All events, Emerging, Critical, High, and Medium.
    Each preset view card has a menu with options to rename the card, reorder the cards, and remove the card. Nondefault cards also include an action to make the card default.
  • To respond to one or multiple Risk Events, select the Risk Events by checking the checkbox on the Risk Event’s row and click Respond | Tune. Refer to Responding to a Risk Event for details.

What to do next

To drill-down and see details of an individual Risk Event, click the Risk Event ID in the list. The Risk Event page opens. Refer to Viewing and managing a Risk Event for details.