Creating a custom dashboard

Create a dashboard from scratch that includes the specific information that you want to display.

Before you begin

Data Compliance DDR This content is available through the IBM Guardium® Data Compliance and Guardium Data Detection and Response modules


  1. From the Dashboards page, open the Dashboard menu and select Add new dashboard.
  2. Select the Create a custom dashboard tab.
  3. Use the Dashboard name field to provide a unique name for the new dashboard.
  4. Optional: Use the Dashboard description field to describe the purpose of the new dashboard.
    The description is displayed with the dashboard name on the Dashboard menu.
  5. Use Create dashboard to save your changes and create the new dashboard.

What to do next

After you create a new custom dashboard, the dashboard is empty. Use Add card to select and configure the reports, active queries, risk events, connections, groups, and other information to include.