Accessing Guardium Data Security Center APIs with OAuth

You can access the Guardium Data Security Center APIs by using the OAuth access token that is exchanged for the generated OAuth client ID and secret when your application was registered.

Before you begin

Premium This feature is available only in the Premium edition of Guardium Data Security Center.

About this task

After you register the OAuth client applications and retrieve the OAuth token, you can use the token to authenticate to the API.


  1. Use one of the following methods to generate the OAuth bearer token:
    • Call Get access token from the AuthServer API. For more information, see Calling APIs.
    • Run the following command from a terminal:
      curl -X 'GET' \
      	  'https://<hostname>/api/v3/oauth/token' \
      	  -H 'accept: application/json' \
      	  -H 'authorization: Bearer <encoded_clientID_secret>'
  2. After you create the bearer token, you can use it to run any API.