Collecting mustgather information for troubleshooting

Guardium® Data Security Center provides a mustgather utility to assist with troubleshooting by gathering logging and environment data. This topic describes mustgather usage.

Before you begin

Install the cpctl utility as described in Troubleshooting with the cpctl utility.


  1. From the cpctl utility, issue the mustgather command:
    ./cpctl diagnostics GI_mustgather --token $(oc whoami -t) --namespace <guardium_data_security_center_namespace>


    • The token is the OpenShift® administrative user token.
    • <guardium_data_security_center_namespace> is the Guardium Data Security Center OpenShift namespace that you created when preparing your environment.
  2. When you run mustgather, the output includes a message that describes how to copy the file from the pod to the local workstation. A sample message might be:
    GI mustgather execution completed. Run `oc cp staging-cp-serviceability-5bcfc94bf9-f27x8:/tmp/GI_must_gather_staging_20211020150124.tar.gz ./GI_must_gather_staging_20211020150124.tar.gz` to copy the mustgather archive into the local workstation
    Run the command provided in the output. For example, run this command:
    oc cp staging-cp-serviceability-5bcfc94bf9-f27x8:/tmp/GI_must_gather_staging_20211020150124.tar.gz ./GI_must_gather_staging_20211020150124.tar.gz


Running this utility generates an archive file that contains a log capture of all pods and all their containers (including other useful statistics on both the specified namespace and the OpenShift environment), along with database logs for Db2® and MongoDB.