Viewing user activity

Guardium® Data Security Center includes a predefined report that allows you to quickly see actions that have been taken by all users in the product.

Before you begin

To open the reports page, select Intelligence > Reports in the main menu. Open this menu by clicking the main menu icon (main menu). You can also access the reports by selecting View all reports in the Favorite reports card in the Guardium Data Security Center overview page.


  1. Click the Activity log report to open it (see Activity log to learn more about this report).
  2. The report table provides information about most actions that users in Guardium Data Security Center have taken:
    • Date created (local time): This column tells you when the action was taken.
    • Performed by: This column tells you who performed the action.
    • Context: This column tells you which Guardium Data Security Center feature was accessed or changed for the action.
    • Action taken: This column tells you which action was taken.
    • Context description: This column provides a description of the Context column.
      Note: This column will read NULL when the action involves the deletion of something or when there is no description.
  3. Note that this report includes a few filters by default (read operations and the system user are filtered out of the report). If you want to remove these filters - or add additional filters - see Filtering an individual report.