Exporting cryptographic reports

Reports are snapshots of your cryptographic inventory from IBM Guardium® Quantum Safe. Add a report to any ticket that you create to address quantum safety issues in your organization's network.

Before you begin

Quantum Safe This content is available through the IBM Guardium Quantum Safe module.

You can use an existing report or create a report based on cryptographic security options. For more information about creating reports, see Creating a custom report.


  1. Open the report that you want to export.
    The following report types are used in Guardium Quantum Safe:
    • Cryptographic detail - Endpoints
    • Cryptographic detail - Applications
    • Cryptographic detail - Applications and functions
    • Cryptographic detail - Applications and vulnerabilities
    • Cryptographic detail - Applications and materials
    • Cryptographic detail - Vulnerabilities
    • Cryptographic and policy detail - Applications
    • Cryptographic and policy detail - Endpoints
    • Cryptographic and policy detail - Assets and applications
    • Cryptographic and provisioning detail - Applications
    • Cryptographic and provisioning detail - Applications and functions
    • Cryptographic policy and provisioning detail - Applications
    • Cryptographic policy and provisioning detail - Assets and applications
    • Cryptography end-to-end
    • Cryptography explorer v2.0 end-to-end
    • Total policy violations for applications and network
    • Total policy violations for applications and network, using data that originates from IBM Quantum Safe Explorer v2.0
    • Network plugins
    • Certificate detail - Endpoints
    • Provisioning system detail
    • Total network policy violations
    • Total applications policy violations
    • Policy run log
    Tip: These listed report types are specific for Guardium Quantum Safe. However, you can configure other report types that use Guardium Quantum Safe data.
  2. To customize the type of information that you see in the report table, click the Customize columns icon.
    Important: The report must include a time stamp parameter.
  3. On the Edit columns window, choose the information that you want to see in the table and click Apply.
  4. Apply filters to the columns to show specific information.
    1. Click the value that you want to filter by.
    2. Select Equal to to search for rows in the report table that include the value that you selected.
    3. Select Not equal to to search for rows in the report table that exclude the value that you selected.
    4. Optional: Expand the value or add it to a group to narrow the scope of the filters.
  5. Export the report.
    1. Save the report.
    2. From the report menu bar, click the Download file icon.
    3. Click Download all results, select the file format, and click Download file.


Export a report of all hosts that use an out-of-date TLS version.
  1. Open the Endpoints table in the Reports view.
  2. In the Protocol version column, select an instance of TLS 1.1 and click Equal to.
  3. Add any other filters that you want to use, and then export the report by clicking the download icon.