Guardium® Data Security Center provides an operational dashboard
that provides you with a 24-hour snapshot of data mart ingestion activity.
Before you begin
To open the data mart ingestion page, select in the main menu. Open this menu by clicking the main menu icon (
). If the data mart ingestion card is available in your
dashboard, clicking it will also open the data mart ingestion page.
To learn about supported data marts, see Data mart support.
The Data mart ingestion page displays the data marts that have been imported to Guardium Data Security Center from the collectors.
Note: This page does not include data from aggregators. If you want to see
data marts that are received from aggregators, refer to the
Data mart ingestion status report.
- Data marts for the current day (of the local Guardium Data Security Center time zone) are displayed by default. You can select a
different day in the Date selector (you can only choose days during which
data marts were ingested - days without data mart ingestion cannot be selected).
- A snapshot of the collection cycle is provided at the top of the page - outlining the
number of active collectors and the total number of data marts ingested for the 24-hour period. In
addition, the number of failed, partial, and in-progress ingested data marts - along with those
still awaiting data.
- Data marts for the 24-hour period can be selected for each hour to display the status or
any errors related to the ingestion. If you select an hour, a filter will be created to filter the
table to display only those data marts that were ingested (or failed to ingest) during that
- Actions above the data mart table allow you to search for data marts, refresh the table,
and export the list of data marts to a CSV file.
- When you click a data mart in the table, a panel opens to provide its details - including
any errors related to the data mart.
- In addition to filtering the table by time, you can filter the table by clicking
Filter. This opens a panel that allows you to select one or more data points
(to find a particular data point that you are interested in, enter it in the Find
filters field). Brackets next to each data point indicate the number of data marts that
contain the data point. After you have selected the data points that you're interested in seeing in
reports, click Apply filters.
- Note that the information provided in the data mart ingestion page is also available in
the Data mart ingestion status report (the report includes data marts
collected from both collectors and aggregators). Working with the report allows you see your data
marts at a more granular level (the report can also be used to set up audits and custom